When her kids finally moved out, Trudy looked forward to all the time she’d have to herself. But she didn’t count on the allure of an empty house wearing off so fast, and she found herself applying to jobs within a year just to give her something to do.Her years away from the job force had significantly dimmed her prospects, but a frustrating job search finally produced a role as an executive assistant to a Kate, a high powered executive at a tech company. Her boss was loud and demanding, and Trudy left most days tense and frustrated. The chubby mom surprised herself when she started taking boxing classes just to have somewhere to put her tension and anger. She hadn’t boxed since that year in college after all, but something about wrapping her hands and slipping on gloves felt familiar and comfortable. Best of all, she left each session feeling relaxed and fulfilled.

A year later, her waistline hadn’t budged much but her skills had sharply improved. She might be the same chubby-thicc mom she’d been for the past 15 years but she felt better, more confident. The local gym had quickly become an oasis away from the stress of the office for the admittedly nerdy mom. Who’d have guessed she’d spend her time away from the office playing MMOs and boxing?

But that oasis threatened to dry up when she saw her boss training on the heavy bag across the gym. Kate was at least a decade younger than Trudy, not to mention athletic, thin, and polished; the the picture of Instagram fitness as she practiced her combos with her private trainer. Trudy watched her boss’ form for a minute, noting the woman’s crisp punches and nimble footwork .Secretary and Exec eventually locked eyes and met near the middle of the gym. Their conversation quickly turned icy until the younger woman finally informed her voluptuous secretary that her presence at the gym made things awkward for the executive. Insulted, Trudy proposed a smoker’s bout between them the very next week, with the loser pledging to find a new gym…


Hey there! I’m looking to RP a fight between two very different and very motivated women. We can discuss who wins, why, and how, as well as what either woman looks like, but I should clarify some simple things first:

  • You can find my likes and limits here

  • Please be comfortable writing a fight. I write long, detailed responses and I reply slowly. You’ve been warned

  • The names are just ideas. Feel free to suggest changes.

  • The prompt is written at a boxing gym but I’m flexible about what kind of martial arts gym they both train at. MMA? BJJ?

  • I’m flexible about the specifics of either woman’s backstory and look, but it’s important to maintain their contrast.

  • I only RP through Discord at sun.daughter

  • When you message me tell me what you liked about the prompt and what you’d change or add to it. I want to hear your ideas.

  • The characters are female (cis or trans) but I don’t care about the gender of my RP partner.