• jopepa@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    My stubborn ass was off-script-b-lining for anywhere I thought the master sword might be. I went straight to the deku tree then the clouds got involved. I back pedaled to under the deku tree and then back up and then back down that root shoot and stayed there. For hooours. Finally beat this handsy nightmare I’m feeling like I improvised my way through the forest temple with 4 hearts and a lot of heart. Talk to the Great Deku and get no help to find the sword. Hat in hand (more accurately a random chest somewhere) I leave the Lost Woods. Wondering around there’s shot of cold fear when I heard that music again. In the wild, wide open field no platforms no rocket shield, and not during the scheduled boss fight almost ruined the game for me. I still hate them, scorched earth with a Lionel bow on sight.

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