I’m fairly green at self-hosting, recently upgraded to running Proxmox on an old PC from OMV. A fairly simple setup for Plex, Nextcloud, PiHole, and some docker containers. I have an old Ryzen 5 2600 I’d like to replace the current CPU with (an even older FX-8350), but I’ll need a new motherboard with an AM4 socket.

In sourcing a new mobo, are there any features or other considerations I should keep in mind, given its sole purpose of being a server now, rather than a general purpose PC? Or just try to find something relatively inexpensive that’ll get the job done?

  • broadside1524@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    1 year ago

    Ram capacity, and a solid Ethernet nic with support in your target os are my number 1. # of sata/nvme connectors would priority 2. of course cpu compatibility like you mentioned. I have had good luck over the years with inexpensive or even used mobos. I tend to spend more on the psu than mobo. Make sure you run some stress tests after you install it to help identify any failed components on the board. ``

    • Goodie@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      PCI lanes in alternate of SATA/Ethernet NIC. If it’s not on the motherboard there’s a damn good chance you can buy a PCI/M.2 card for it.