Installed this valve the very first time I changed my oil. It makes it so easy. And when I buy new oil filters the guys at the auto shop give me wild looks when I tell them I don’t need the crush washer. :D

  • rusty
    1 year ago

    i have changed oil in vehicles probably 30 times at this point. last year for some dumbass reason i decided to start using a torque wrench to tighten.

    looking at the specs for my foreign, i did not look at the correct column on the page for ft/lbs or Nm… did not double check… and ended up fucking stripping the bolt threads on the oil pan!!!

    had a hell of a time removing the bolt, but there were enough good threads that i could drill out what i cross threaded and still attach the bolt… i did not have to have an oil pan replacement… and no drips or leaks… i count myself extremely, extremely stupid and lucky.

      1 year ago

      Ooof. That hurts.

      If it makes you feel any better, one time I accidentally drained my transmission fluid because I took off the wrong plug! That was a rather costly mistake as you can’t simply add transmission fluid to fix it. You have to flush and bleed the lines, and I did not have all the right equipment. Had to have my car towed from my driveway to the shop! Oops.