My dog is a borador, with a short double layer coat. In the summer we’d have the air conditioning on and even then she wasn’t much of a snuggler because she’d overheat. Now with the colder temperatures setting in I keep a blanket and/or a sweater on me at all times. She can’t even snuggle for 5 minutes without needing to leave and sprawl out on the coldest spot on the floor.

How can I make her more comfortable? Would she appreciate a cooling bed, or are there doggy ice packs?

    1 year ago

    I’ve a husky/akita mix, also double coated. The AC helps, he’s not very fond of the fan.

    I bought a large dog bed with cooling gel in it last summer, and initially he didn’t care for it, over time he’s grown really fond of it, and it’s his go-to spot a lot of the time. I’d highly recommend getting a cooling bed. Being prone to overheating myself, I honestly want one my size. The gel wicks away heat really well, and stays cool for quite a while before getting saturated. If you have it directly on the floor (and there’s no carpet) then that too will help wick away the heat from the gel, keeping it cool longer.

    Is she usually really warm even in the winter? Like has this been an issue before? It might be worth checking her temps and if they’re consistently high, take her to a vet.

    1 year ago

    Our dogs took a long time (months) to get used to their cooling beds but now they love them and they work.

    Dog cooling bandanas also work with my dogs.