The Party Game bygetoverit©

It was a warm summer’s night outside of a local concert venue under a street lamp where two lovebirds were locking lips after a wild show. Gabriel and Wanbli interlocked fingers as they looked into one another’s eyes.

“I love you.” Said Wanbli her light pink hair contrasting against her dark eyes.

“I love you too.” Said Gabriel with a cocky smile, brown hair tucked back under his snapback, his skater thin body casting a shadow nearly as thin as his petite girlfriend’s.

“What now?” She asked as a colorful cascade of people exited the venue.

“I think I know of a house party we can go to if you’re interested?” He said confidently pulling her close.

“Yeah sure babe.” Wanbli said with a smile, she was excited having never been to a real college party before.

“Well let me just find this dude real quick.” Gabe said looking around up on his toes. “Hey Jackson!” He yelled spotting a taller guy in a plaid flannel.

“Hey kid.” Said Jackson walking up holding the hand of a slightly intoxicated girl, dark brunette with blonde streaks, and voluptuous breasts. “Did you two have a good time?”

“Yeah bro, but we’re looking to keep it goin.” Said Gabe. “You mentioned a party with some booze right?”

“He’s cute.” Said the intoxicated brunette smiling at Gabe.

“Oh yeah this is my girlfriend Destiny.” Said Jackson. “This is the Gabe, the little dude I told you about that I met in the bathroom.”

“Hey.” Said Gabe smiling at Destiny thinking she was pretty hot, but then remembered he had a girlfriend standing right there. “Oh yeah.” Said Gabe. “Wanbli this is Jackson.”

Wanbli smiled a little in greeting, but was wishing that Jackson would take more control of his girlfriend.

“Are they coming to the party?” Said Destiny.

“I don’t know yet babe.” Said Jackson. “What do you say?” He gestured to the couple with open arms. “But remember what I said man. If you party you gotta play.”

“Yeah, I got you man.” Said Gabe.

The two guys exchanged numbers, as Wanbli looked Destiny up and down. She was a little jealous of how big the older girls boobs were, but Wanbli took solace in the fact that she was a little skinnier around the waist.

“I’ll text you the address.” Said Jackson as the couple walked away to the parking lot.

“Dude’s so chill.” Said Gabe as he drove his car down the road to the address in his phone’s GPS.

Wanbli was staring out the window contemplatively, as they pulled up to a stop light. “His girlfriend’s pretty.” She responded fishing for comfort.

“She was alright.” Said Gabe. “But no one’s as cute as you babe.” Gabe said looking over at his girlfriend’s gorgeous face.

“Thanks babe.” She said smiling back with her adorable dimples.

After they drove a bit Wanbli remembered something. “Oh babe. I meant to ask you something.”

“What’s that?” He asked turning into the street.

“What did that guy mean by, ‘if we party we play?’”

“Oh he and his friends just have this deal where they play this party game that decides who has to pay for the booze.”

“Do you think we can cover that if we lose babe?” Wanbli asked concerned.

“Babe.” Said Gabe. “When have you known me to lose?”

When the couple entered the apartment they were greeted by the owner.

“Hi! I’m Haley.” Said a bubbly girl with wavy bobbed light blue hair, she was on the shorter side, definitely cute. “This is my apartment. Be careful because it’s kinda old, and the wood floors are a little warped so be extra careful, especially when you’ve started drinking.”

After introducing themselves they walked on in to a room full of people illuminated by Christmas lights.

“What’s up dude?” Said Jackson already holding a solo cup full of beer.

“Hey everyone listen up we got two newbies chillin tonight!” He said raising his voice over some music playing in the background. “This is Gabe and his girl Wanbli.” The couple waved at the full room.

“That’s Meredith.” He said pointing at a girl sitting on a couch brown hair, about average hipster girl looks.

“John.” He said pointing to a rigid looking guy wearing a polo with black rim glasses, and a military haircut. “Yo.” Said John lifting a finger.

“Brady.” He said pointing to a guy with long hair tied back in a pony tail, and a big beard. He was sitting leaned back on the couch, obviously stoned out of his goddamn mind.

“And you met my girl Destiny.”

“Hi.” Said Destiny smiling and waving at Gabe.

“And of course our lovely host Haley.” Jackson said throwing his arm around the small girl kissing her on the head.

“So let’s get it poppin!” Yelled Jackson throwing his drink back.

Jackson took Gabe back with Brady to smoke some in a bedroom. While Haley took Wanbli to the kitchen to get her a drink.

“Do you like wine?” Haley asked pouring a glass for herself.

“I’ve only had it a few times before, but yeah I think so.” She said with an innocent nod.

“Oh dear!” Laughed Haley. “Is this your first party?”

“Well not my first…” Said Wanbli looking timidly at the floor.

“Don’t get self conscious on me!” Said Haley pushing a wine glass into the younger girl’s hand. “Just have some fun cutie.” She said with a wink.

After the boys came back from smoking everyone got a drink and kicked back laughing it up in the living room. Gossiping and telling stories about all their past antics.

A couple hours in Gabe and Wanbli were feeling good. A little tipsy, Wanbli’s inhibition’s lowered a bit and she started having fun regardless of her ongoing thoughts that Destiny was out to steal her man.

“I’ve gotta use the bathroom.” Announced Wanbli standing up and wobbling a little trying to gain a little balance.

“Down the hall on the left sweetie.” Said Haley sitting on John’s lap. Even the rigid army dude was lightening up a bit.

She heard her boyfriend and everyone else laughing at some joke Jackson was telling as she walked down the hallway, it made her smile knowing Gabe was having a good time.

While washing her hands she looked in the mirror, and thought it felt funny with the room kind of tilting in her head. As she opened the door to head out back to the living room a figure rushed in grabbed her by the waist and kissed her passionately.

“Erg!” She moaned pushing the figure away.

“Babe! What are you doing?” She said relieved and angry to see it was her intoxicated boyfriend.

“I’m feeling horny babe.” He said drawing her close groping her round shapely breast, and kissing her neck.

“You scared me!” She said trying to push him off, but eventually giving in.

“Just blow me real quick babe.” He said leaning back against the sink undoing his pants.

“Noooooo.” She said with a super long “o”. “What if someone walks in?”

“It’s chill don’t worry.” He said pulling out his flaccid dick.

Wanbli stood there reluctantly when suddenly the door opened.

“Hey guys you, OH HEY THERE GABE’S LITTLE GUY.” Said Haley in shock staring at the couple with wide eyes. “You two finish up your business, the game’s about to start.” She said walking away, butt shaking to and fro. Normally Gabe would have admired its shapeliness, but he had other matters on his mind.

“Little guy?” He muttered under his breath.

“See babe!” She pushed her boyfriend’s shoulder. “I told you we’d get caught.” She said in a huff walking to the front room.

“She probably just means I’m like young… She’s hot… Maybe she’s into that or something. Yeah. Every girl’s into me.” He said looking at the mirror and smiling, flexing in his tank top.

“Alright. Tonight we play our game, but we’ve got two newbies.” Said Jackson everyone sitting around a coffee table in the living room. “It’s complicated, but all the rules are in this book.”

“Right now, Destiny is ahead in overall points, and still has her defer punishment card. Right babe?” He asked.

“Yup.” Destiny responded pulling a piece of paper out of her bra.

“Alright since you’re winning, what game do you want to start with babe?”

“I want strip poker.” She said with a sly smile in Gabe’s direction.

“Alright then that’s the game.” Said Jackson without missing a beat.

“Babe…” Wanbli said nudging her boyfriend who was busy staring at Destiny thinking about stripping her down.

“What?” He said brought back to reality.

“Are we really gonna do this?” She asked concerned.

“Yeah babe don’t worry I got this.” He said confidently.

“Hey is their a problem?” John asked looking at the couple picking up a deck of cards shuffling them. “If you don’t play that’s an automatic loss, and the bill tonight was steep.”

“No don’t worry dude we’re chill.” Said Gabe.

“The rules of the game are as follows. It’s Texas Hold Em’, so we play until the final draw. You can chose to fold before the final draw, and you will not have to remove clothing, but if you do play the final draw and lose, you must remove an article of clothing. If you win you acquire points that can be cashed in for special cards, such as the defer punishment card currently in Destiny’s possession.” John smoothed through passing out two cards to each person. “Once a person reaches full nakedness the games do not end, but the naked person gets to chose the next game, and be careful clothes lost in this game stay off the rest of the night.”

“See babe just follow my lead and there is no problem.” Gabe said nudging her playfully, and kissing her on the cheek. She still didn’t feel very good about the idea of naked strangers, or of her being naked in front of them, but she decided to trust her boyfriend.

The first hand Gabe instructed Wanbli to sit out, but went on himself. He ended up winning his first hand one-on-one against Destiny. Trying to hide his excitement he just winked at her, as she took off her top to reveal a sexy tummy with wide hips, and a shiny pink bra that was doing its best to handle her massive breasts.