Browsing social media, it’s apparent that people are quick to point out problems in the world, but what I see less often are suggestions for how to solve them. At best, I see vague ideas that might solve one issue but introduce new ones, which are rarely addressed.

Simply stopping the bad behaviour rarely is a solution in itself. The world is not that simple. Take something like drug addiction. Telling someone to just stop taking drugs is not a solution.

    18 days ago

    That solution will still require the fat lazy selfish car drivers to choose to sacrifice a little of their personal comfort for the sake of the common good.

    Yes, the alternatives need to exist, but there also has to be cultural change. Driving a private car in a city is antisocial. It’s exactly analagous to smoking in a restaurant or office and we need to begin to see it that way.

    Clarification for the benefit of downvoters (easier to downvote than make a counter-argument, right?): The solution that I propose is clear: get private cars off the streets of cities by whatever means necessary. The detail is almost unimportant. Private cars, especially ones with combustion engines, are a scourge across the world. They are what make our cities unlivable. In any big city (at least outside North America) most people get around by public transport. Cars are almost never a necessity, people buy them for reasons of status and convenience. In cities they’re effectively a tool used by rich people to immiserate poor people.