I’ll try to explain wtf. In the first panel we see a snake being presented with a dick. The dick is smooth and shiny, like that of a Ken doll. Next we see the snake really eyeing the dick, but not in the way you’d expect. Instead of grabbing the dick like a fat rat in the haws of death, it’s apparent that the snake is blushing. I’m no expert like this artist clearly is, but I don’t think snakes can blush. The third panel shows the snake straight up going for it. By the fourth panel, the shiny Ken dick has somehow grown five times its orginal size. It’s more than an erection, it’s some sort of inflation. I’ve never seen anything like it in real life but again, I am no expert. The snake appears to have done this before since it knows not to bite down on the dick, and also because of the cum. The implication is that the snake is well practiced, an expert in the penile arts, if you will. Then it’s done. It’s over. You’ve seen it with your own eyes and yet you’re left wondering what exactly it was you saw. What would compel a person to illustrate such a thing? Why? The world keeps on turning, the sun rises and sets, and some questions will never be answered.

This is something I kept saved on the old place from a sub called WastedTalent where people post horrible images or content created by people with some talent.