The Alaska Republican Party, during its quarterly meeting that took place in Fairbanks on Saturday, passed a resolution that recommends Alaskans vote “Yes” on Ballot Measure 2, which would restore the voting procedures that were in place before voters approved ranked-choice voting methods in 2020.

Alaska has been part of a push by Outside dark money coming from groups like and to get ranked-choice voting in place in every state. These groups understand the Republican voters, many of whom are not inclined to rank candidates. Ranked-choice voting favors the more malleable Democrat voters who will do so.

    13 days ago

    Alaska has been part of a push by Outside dark money coming from groups like and to get ranked-choice voting in place in every state.

    Someone explain how fairvote is “dark money”?

    These groups understand the Republican voters, many of whom are not inclined to rank candidates.

    Whoever wrote this attempted hit piece is an idiot.

    But the “boring election” for Democrats turned into an electrifying election quickly, as the party of slavery defenders […]

    Ah- that old horse again. Today’s party of confederate statues and rebel flags pointing fingers at 200 year old political positions.

    Don’t read this trash.