Friends, what popular things around you irritate you? For example, a few years ago I was terribly annoyed by motivational speakers crawling out from under every bush

    2 months ago

    Oh yeah, like how everyone had a freaking Ted Talk so they can tell us the most blatant, obvious and sugar-coated advice in how to live or what to be inspired by? Yeah that shit was jarringly annoying. There was a reason the whole “Welcome to my Ted Talk” was a thing, it was because of that.

    A life trend that always bothered me, was when people had a limited amount of fucks to give about certain things. Like it was all based on how reported it was. The Hong Kong protests for example, used to have been huge but it lost traction like after a month simply because reports slowed down. Reports slowed down, people stopped giving a fuck and they moved on. And what happened? Hong Kong went up in smoke because we turned our backs toward it.

    Panama Papers, the moment where we were close to bursting out all of the secret dealings that rich people and corporations did with their wealth. Yeah, same deal, stopped being reported as much, people stopped giving a fuck.

    Like people were treating these big moments like outrage flavor of the week.