Today I got gifted four cans of Tyskie directly chilled from Poland. Its one of my Favuorites - but you still don’t have Pfand.

You guys should step up and demand it immediately. Ecologically we admire + require you but still you don’t require returing back aluminium cans. Nor plastic/etc. bottles. And I am assuming neither at glass bottles.

You guys should go onto the streets for 100% compatibility with your silenced Neighbours. Lets strenghten our civilian bonds <3.

Its like the requirement of catalyst after 1999. The snow at last was white(ish) again.

    2 months ago

    In my experience very few shops take cans sold at like pizza places and kebab shops, and it also seem to have to be the same shop, the same chain is not enough. In Sweden every shop with a pfandmachine takes all (exceptions for foreign bottles, some they take but do not give pfand for).