I would for vote Kamala. I would vote for a cactus with sunglasses if it had the Democratic nomination. You would do yourself well to consider anything that is weaking the resolve of the anti-trump sentiment straight poison to your brain. We have only one job this novemeber and that is to stop trump. The Supreme Court has given him the status of king. Quit acting like your vote is sacred and start realizing your vote is your final cry before your rights are forfeited.

    2 months ago

    So, we (leftists) should all vote for the Democrats this November.

    Great, and I have. Yet the democratic party does not make electoral reform a priority. Are they ever going to address the problem of all these disenfranchised voters who don’t want to vote for them? Why is the DNC gambling the future of the nation state every election on the Republicans driving voters to them?(because they ALL have been the most important election ever)

    It’s clear we need more political parties involved simply because the democrats are incredibly weak. Democrats need to beg people they dont represent to vote for them to stop fascism. That’s the point of your entire comment right? Doesn’t sound like they’re doing well in this existential fight.

    Democrats can’t fight the republicans alone. Democrats need backup to defeat the republicans. Don’t you want more chances to defeat the republicans? Don’t you want more people on the debate stage to call out trumps bullshit?

    First Past The Post voting has got to go before it ends us all.

    First Past The Post voting

    Other electoral systems to choose from:

    Alternative vote

    Ranked Choice voting

    Range Voting

    Single Transferable Vote

    STAR voting

    Mixed Member Proportional representation

      2 months ago

      …the democratic party does not make electoral reform a priority. Are they ever going to address the problem of all these disenfranchised voters who don’t want to vote for them?

      Probably not.

      Democrats need to beg people they dont represent to vote for them to stop fascism. That’s the point of your entire comment right?


      Democrats can’t fight the republicans alone.

      Yes, that’s true.

      2 months ago

      how many times are you going to spam this? espescially that skewed youtube video that seems to be designed to push people toward strategic voting instead of voting for their values.