• 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • I didn’t at first, but after the response from @mranderson17 I ended up doing just that. Which seems to have resolved that issue.

    Prior to enabling testing/unstable repos for access to Plasma 6.1, CM was working fine on Wayland. However after the update it seems to have broken it but changing to X11 fixes the issue. So it’s likely a combination of me messing with my system and something with Plasma 6.1.

  • Thank you for that.

    It didn’t help but it definitely got me moving in the right direction. I remembered that I recently (yesterday) enabled the testing and kde-unstable repos in my system so I could install Plasma 6.1 to check it out. Prior to this change I had CM working properly but was having issues getting CSP to work. Well, I figured out a workaround to getting CSP to work (after this change) by just copying over my install directory from windows on top of the install in Linux. However since I had already updated to Plasma 6.1 it came with the new issue of the drop down menus.

    I was using Wayland. Just swapped over to X11 and it’s working as intended. So something with Plasma 6.1 on Wayland is causing the issue.

    So mostly a bunch of messing around with my system is probably what is causing the issue and for whatever reason disabling the testing and unstable repos isn’t allowing me to revert back to the previous version of Plasma. Not really sure why but that’s a totally different issue.

    I really appreciate the time you took to give me such an in depth response.

  • Again, it is not a “Custom OS” you aren’t installing it as an OS from an ISO. You are still required to have your own licensed version of windows and install that prior to using AtlasOS. Using it does not cause security and instability issues as long as you understand what you are doing. Yes it is stripping things from windows. It’s also open source so if you were so inclined you could see exactly what is being done.

    If you equate using an automated solution to do things that you could do manually albeit with a bit more work involved, then every single OS is custom the second you change anything on it.

    I do use Linux for what it’s worth and have been for around 20 years. I’ve also been working in Tech for the last 15 ish years. I wouldn’t be blindly recommending something that would wreck someone’s security.

    Please do some research.


    There’s a link to their source code. They even state that you have options to what security settings get messed with. So again, as long as you READ and understand what you are doing, you aren’t necessarily breaking your systems security.

  • I do agree with you on the accidental thing 100%. Accidents happen, but that’s different than what is being discussed.

    Also, yeah it may seem funny if it happens to some high profile person, but put yourself on the receiving end of a direct intentional thing like that and you aren’t going to be overly happy about it. You definitely understand that.

    I grew up in some not so great places, got bullied a lot as a kid. I don’t bully people as a result but I am a bit more defensive and would be quick to toss a jab and subsequent more if I felt the need was there.

    All in all, I do feel that I want to be 100% clear that I’m not defending the guy, I don’t know the situation, dude obviously had an advantage and in the brief bit that we see it does kinda seem like they were both instigating the situation.

  • I’m not defending the guy but he has liquid on his back and you can barely hear him say something which sounds like she threw shit at me.

    If she threw shit at him and hit him with it… I kinda don’t blame him.

    If he said something nasty, racist homophobic or otherwise insulting to her and then she threw something at him, that makes it a bit more questionable on whether or not she deserved to get hit.

    This needs much more context.

    That being said, the dude very likely was being a prick and deserved to have shit thrown at him. Still though, if you assault someone first, don’t expect to not get it back. Male vs female, male vs male, female vs female and all other things in-between, you start shit, there might be repercussions. Make sure you are prepared to handle that.

    Ignoring some bigot (if he started it with words) could have potentially saved her getting her face fucked up.

    I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for that but my point is still 100% valid.

    Edit: For the people that don’t seem to understand how the world works. Try this experiment and get back to me. Go out into the city with a cup full of some random liquid (water, soda, whatever) find someone bigger than you and throw it all over them. Please report back and tell me how that worked out for you.