/u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I’m all queermunist!

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • As a trans woman who spent a lot of her life as a violent man, I have some perspective on this.

    The tendency to blow up and hit things? Those are panic attacks. Men don’t like to think of themselves as having sissy emotional problems and so they just try to stubbornly power through their panic by yelling and hitting things, but like, a good cry really fucking helps you know? Meds too! Take a break, get some fresh air, take some deep breaths, fix your makeup, it’s going to be okay. No need to break shit.

  • The government is a tool, not an entity. Rights protect us against people that would use the government against us. Like Elon Musk here!

    As for disease and harm, think about healthcare - countries where the government provides healthcare have healthier citizens than America does. Objectively, it’s better to let the government handle disease. Even China has surpassed US life expectancy! How could you look at that and then conclude “There is no amount of tax revenue that will make that happen.”?

    As for the dead, they are robbed of freedom by nature itself. Time, chemistry, physics, simple material forces are humanity’s greatest enemy. To defeat them, we have to work together.

  • So-called “negative liberty” is only innate if you accept superstition. Without souls or other such magical concepts, we are slaves to our mortality. Freedom is something we must fight for every day of our lives, and the moment we stop living our freedom is gone too. How free are the sick? The starving? The children gunned down in schools?

    We will only be free when we defeat death, and we can only do that by working together. Until then, we need a government to ensure our right to life isn’t taken from us by a cold or famine or jungle cats.

    The dead are not free. This is where I reject the Founder’s ideology.

  • Our mortality literally does mean we don’t have inalienable rights - rights are things we fight to have and maintain, not something we’re just born with by virtue of being alive. All rights can be taken away if they aren’t protected, they aren’t sacred or magic or God-given.

    The Founders considered these rights inalienable because they were superstitious and believed in immortal souls. In their minds, death didn’t really rob people of their rights because their spirit would always be free.

    Without 1700s superstition to justify the concept it doesn’t really work.