Empathy and, perhaps also, the realization that we are an interconnected species that is greater than, say, any single faith or cultural association.
But I’m just wildly speculating here.
Empathy and, perhaps also, the realization that we are an interconnected species that is greater than, say, any single faith or cultural association.
But I’m just wildly speculating here.
Respectfully begging to differ, I think he did demonstrate solid self-control by not posting such a picture.
Further, I think he was just expressing his disgust for obscene wealth.
That’s an excellent point. For this oligarch and all others.
It’s a serious problem that even their side of the political aisle acknowledges, and yet they couldn’t say anything half-meaningful about it?
I guess that would have been too much to expect of them.
Large-scale, privatized healthcare appears unable to provide actual healthcare.
And all that under the pretense of having “more options.”
It’s a scam that plays on people’s well-being and that is very sad indeed.
This quote by Russia Today’s leader doesn’t sound right to me:
“We will crawl out of the cracks, what else can we do, since they are throwing us out of the door and throwing us out of the window,”
They’re being indicted, not thrown out of, say, a window. On the latter, someone is known for having people thrown out of windows, but I think he’s located in Russia.
The message in this meme rings very true to me. Thanks for sharing.
I will never forget Rachel Corrie.
This is an outright attack on democracy - and something that a majority of conservatives are in support of. It’s very shameful. I’m very grateful that schemes such as this have been exposed.
Good riddance, Tenet Media - and also Blaze Media. Good riddance.
This is great news! Thank you for posting this.
Gosh, I hope Genociding Bibi doesn’t hear this. Imagine the hissy fit he’ll throw!
But then, upon further reflection, I’m ok with that.
Mmmmm that 5% difference is so yummy.
I’ll dream about it if I have to.
It’s incredible to what lengths this racist and his cohorts went to bring harm unto others. Notably, immigrants who gave up all they had because of great desperation.
Imagine if you will, going from one hell and entering another where people like Thomas Birley placed flaming bins by the hotel exit door. Subsequently adding wood to fuel the fire further.
And if this doesn’t go far enough to demonstrate the trauma he and his fellow racists wrought, the hotel staff’s reaction might lend some insight on that:
The judge Jeremy Richardson KC heard how 22 staff in the hotel barricaded themselves into a panic room using freezers and “thought they were going to burn to death”.
I agree - excellently stated! Have a great day.
Please don’t leave. We all need you here. (But I understand if you do…)
This rocks!
That is democracy at work, folks!
Way to go, Portland Maine!
Thank you for your comment. I couldn’t agree with you more.
What if the Russians didn’t start a war?
What happened on January 6 was an act of sedition, I understand. I don’t think it’s practical to whatabout scenarios that do not compare at all.
This is progressive thinking and highly commendable - especially given that labor unions have leverage.
I’m reminded of Nelson Mandela who said, “To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”
Here’s to hoping the genocide can stop soon.