“Humans are just imperfect crabs.” - @pH3ra@[email protected]

Trying to be the best crab I can.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023

  • Since none of you have ever touched grass.

    you really are deranged.

    Guns don’t protect shit. Get that through your fucking melon.

    People with weapons protect countries. They’re trained and equipped just for that purpose, we call it a military, you bellend. Probably couldn’t pass an asvab, obviously you’ve never been in the mud. Touch grass? JFC…

  • mojofrododojo@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldRock Eagle Flag
    6 hours ago

    except for the bonkers idea that the 2a’s first 13 words for some reason don’t count.

    “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…” and today’s non-regulated militia endangering the security of the free state are pretty fucking contrasting situations.

    fuck all the gun nuts who love their fetish more than their country.


    Unless you’re volunteering to take the world’s radioactive waste, stop thinking the world is finland, jfc you’re worse than an american

    And yeah, storage pools WORLDWIDE are being used as defacto permanent storage. That’s what you call it when you have no plan to move the shit.

    gonna block you now, you’re either too dense to realize there’s a whole world outside your tiny country, or deliberately obtuse.

  • from the hill article:

    So Biden never explicitly made a one-term promise during the campaign

    ok. Look I’m not trying to pick a fight, I just never heard biden say that and wondered what I’d missed. The Hill article goes on to state:

    but he certainly implied it with the language of “transition.”

    yeeaah, uh, I’m going to vote for him because < HAHA FUCKING HELLSCAPE PROJECT 2025 > either way

  • That they weren’t anti-semitic is the weirdest fucking take I’ve ever seen on Imperial Japan.

    they weren’t anti-semitic. what part of that link did you not comprehend?

    you do realize you can abuse people and not be anti-semitic, you could be anti-aryan or anti-roma or anti-gay or anti-whatever, those aren’t anti-semitic.

    did you not read the whole "we’re busy abusing chinese and korean people” policy part?

    No where do I say they were good people doing nice things lol. wtf

  • yup.

    but also:

    On December 6, 1938, the Japanese government made a decision of prohibiting the expulsion of the Jews in Japan, Manchukuo, and the rest of Japanese-occupied China. This was described as “amoral”, based primarily on the consideration of avoiding antagonizing the United States. Even after Japan and United States became involved in a war against each other, the Japanese government’s neutrality towards the Jews continued.

    Germany repeatedly tried to get Japan on board with persecuting the Jews and Japan always stepped back and kept a “nah that’s your thing we’re busy abusing chinese and korean people” policy.


    Life is rarely simple. History too.

  • yep, they’re awesome, and may sidestep some of the HUGE investments in gigantic infrastructure - one day. What you conveniently leave out is no one is doing this yet at scale; china’s got one test reactor going last time I looked.

    I personally love the idea, but the nuclear industry here in the US is obsessed with large steam turbine setups in the multiple megawatt scale; even small modular reactors are getting side eyes.

    So yeah, it exists, but it’s not going to displace the current tech (which is really 60’s tech with better electronics).

  • why bother investing enormous amounts of money into a tech that’s already problematic? when there are better solutions at hand?

    I’m not anti-nuclear, I just think further investment into it is misguided when there are so many other options that don’t create tens of thousands of years of radioisotopes that have to go somewhere.

    good on Scandinavia, the rest of the world isn’t in such privileged positions. As seen in Fukushima. As seen in the hundreds of cooling ponds all over the US.