immuredanchorite [he/him, any]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2022


  • Its cool that you admitted you just didn’t want anyone from hexbear to be right. That takes a lot of insight. You should consider opening your mind now to the possibility that you could be wrong about much more. You reflexive distaste for hexbear probably has more to do with your own cognitive dissonance than whether our opinions are wrong. Most of the people (bots) on hexbear were (are) libs too, but at some point opened their minds and began to approach history, political-economy, and current events with a more critical eye.

  • What a useless definition. It doesn’t even consider the class character of fascism.

    Authoritarian is a useless word. It literally could be used to describe any state.

    China is actually highly democratic, but that would require expanding your bourgeois ideas about democracy and understanding how their system actually works in practice.

    Misogyny is a problem everywhere and is in no way unique to fascism or any political economy, is predates capitalism by thousands of years. I agree it should be abolished, and that is what socialism aspires to do. But the idea that it can be eliminated by flipping a switch is idealist and unrealistic. There is plenty of truth to the critique that patriarchy still exists in China, but the PRC has maybe also done more than any other state to end some of the most oppressive forms of misogyny, for the most number of women, in history.

    Propaganda about past grievances? That is too vague to be meaningful either. Some past grievances, like the Japanese war crimes in China, are legitimate. Others, like conspiracies about “judeo-bolshevism” are not. The term “propaganda” here is loaded too, like if the US government does its best to bury its history of chattel slavery (like it is doing in florida, for instance), would it be “propaganda about past grievances” to fight back against that? Would you tell the grandchild of a slave in Florida that by spreading information as wide as possible to the people about the crime of slavery it is somehow fascist? it makes no sense

  • Why don’t you read the book, investigate the citations and claims, and report back on whether the text is fabricated?

    Whether or not the writer has a connection to China or the DPRK doesn’t actually impact the soundness of any claim. If anything, you are taking an extreme position about academic authority that isn’t reflective of reality. You should use your critical thinking skills to assess the claims in the book instead of attacking the author because they might be a Korean or Chinese national. It is kinda racist to assume someone from China or Pyongyang are unable to write on these topics without it being “propaganda”