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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I wasn’t directly attacked but my friend and I had the same experience in our 60% Trump area.

    We weren’t together when each incident happened, but they’re so similar I’ll describe them together.

    We were just at the checkout: me at a convenience store; my friend at a major grocery store chain.

    So, we couldn’t reasonably move away. We had to stand there to pay for our purchases.

    An old man encroached my space; an old woman encroached my friend’s space. We both politely asked them to step back for social distancing, and they refused.

    I wish I had my friend’s ability to think and speak on his feet. After he checked out, he told the old lady “I asked for you to do something, that cost you nothing. All you had to do was take a few steps back. I hope in the future, if you ask someone the same, they treat you like you did to me.”

    As for me? Even though I just said my request and didn’t respond further, the guy was a huge jerk who tailgated me for several miles in his huge pickup truck. Like headlights in my mirror tailgating… during the day.

    Who tf cares that much? Honestly… just take a few steps back. Doesn’t cost you anything, like my friend said.

  • The day after the 2016 election, I sent an email to the guy who contracts most of my services. He’s also one of my best friends. It was in response to a job we were working on, so I cc’d his assistant.

    Basically said I was disappointed about the outcome of the election, then got into the job specifics.

    From his response, I knew I fucked up. He just said he was glad the election was over.

    I never liked his assistant anyways, but I looked up her voter registration and she’s Republican. And she’s totally the Trump type, though I hadn’t thought about it before.

    She’s been pretty much on the warpath for me ever since. I provide a great service at a good price, so she keeps me around. Plus some clients know me and would possibly revolt if I were taken off their jobs. I think she’s been disparaging me to them for any misstep that I make.

    I suspect she asks me for quotes and gives projects out to anyone who bids lower.

    This was never the case with my friend; if I made a bid too low or too high he’d ask me to requote it. Yes,** if he thought my bid was too low, he’d tell me to charge more.**

    Not so with this monster. She’s nickle and diming me for everything.

    And now my friend’s health has taken a turn for the worse, and she’s in charge.

    God I wish I never sent that stupid email.

  • I’m in the US and I try to avoid the subject as much as possible with people who aren’t my close friends.

    Our neighbors are deeply religious, they’ve invited me to go to church with them and read the bible together. I just decline politely without adding an opinion.

    The wife seems to be a crackpot, I avoid her like the plague. She’s a Hispanic immigrant but has made some racist comments to me about black people. She also believes some batshit crazy right wing garbage… well, I think the whole family does.

    The most annoying thing they do is every week they go to multiple food banks; which is fine, I don’t judge. But the wife is a hoarder and they don’t have room for the new food. Their solution? They give their old food to us. We get cans of food that’s rusty and expired, one bag of rice even had bugs in it.

    We’ve tried politely telling them we don’t want or need their food, but they show up every week at our door with it. We just throw it away. But what’s the point? She doesn’t want to feel like she’s wasting food, wants to do a “good deed,” and passes her literal garbage onto us?

    Other than that, I don’t really have many religious people in my life. Maybe some relatives but they aren’t deeply devout; I prefer to talk about other things with them.

    Once in awhile we get Jehovah Witnesses knocking on our door, but we just tell them we’re not interested. I’d love to be a fly on the wall and see what kind of conversation they have with the crazy neighbors, they’re 7th Day Adventists. And the JW’s are usually a group of black ladies. Do they duke it out on who loves Jesus more? Have a prayer huddle?

  • This probably won’t be popular here, but I recently listened to the audiobook Spare, Prince Harry’s autobiography. I’m not a fan of the monarchy, I think the whole thing is weird and awful.

    However, there’s no denying Prince Harry has lived a unique life so I was curious. I thought it was pretty good overall. We’re only getting one side of the story but god his family is fucked up.

    Their nicknames for him and his brother, growing up, were Heir and Spare. He was told from a young age that if his brother ever needed an organ or anything, he was expected to step up.

    He also grappled with his mother’s death for his whole life and missed her dearly. He made up different conspiracy theories that she was somehow still alive to deal with the trauma.

    And the queen seemed kinda ok overall, which surprised me a bit. She had her stuffy downsides but she seemed much better than the fucked up messes that his father and brother were.

    Also, being famous from the time you’re born sounds terrible. He inherited a lot of amazing things, but not all sound great.

    While it wasn’t the best book ever, it was interesting and I’m glad I checked it out (literally from the library, lol).

  • Glad you asked.

    Short answer: gambling

    Long answer: us kids were starting high school and he knew college was after that, so he needed to figure out how to come up with some money to help us. He was good at math, so someone suggested he play the stock market.

    He started off investing “fake” money (just his own personal ledger) and did pretty good. So he invested small amounts and continued to do well. He finally decided to borrow money from the bank, which is how the story came about.

    He actually did REALLY well; paid off the loan, got a bigger one, paid that off, etc, until he had enough of his own money to keep investing. He beat the S&P every year, he had a talent for it.

    But he really didn’t enjoy it, he said it was a lot of work to keep up with the markets and how they interacted with each other. He kept it up for a few years after we finished college until he had a comfortable nest egg and quit.

    He only paid for half our college, as a matter of principle he wanted us to come up with the other half. I still have loans to pay off but it was a huge help.

    Now he hates capitalism and doesn’t do any investing at all. He used to have some safe mutual funds but he’s jaded about the state of the world, he doesn’t want any part of the system.