The dangers of AI should be determined by application, not capability. It’s a tool, like any other. You can use a hammer to build a house or cave in a skull.
The dangers of AI should be determined by application, not capability. It’s a tool, like any other. You can use a hammer to build a house or cave in a skull.
Despite his horribly lacking social skills, Vance is that capable and corrupt.
Cislunar makes sense. Cis means “on this side of” versus trans meaning “on the other side of.”
There’s sort of an answer, coupled with some interesting speculation.
I regularly buy from the UK section of my supermarket. Brown sauce and lemon curd are necessities.
Listening to Picture of Nectar?
You get it. I’ll take any eatery recommendations you got, NineMile.
Eratosthenes did it for the cost of paying a man to count his steps from one city to another.
He was accurate within 1% of the Earth’s circumference.
With an ESL owner of the diner, I bet that food is great. That’s been my experience in NY at least.
Lol I was thinking if you’re losing six out of eight fingers, you’d probably want one on each hand.
Both middle, obviously.
Don’t forget the forced labor and genocide of the Uyghurs, to produce the copious amounts of Chinese goods we consume, so Bezos can ride a dick to space.
Gotta double the capacity of the 80 GB drive in my head
You’re absolutely correct.
This is pointing out the hypocrisy of a member of the Biblical prude party buying sex toys.
In this case, the genocide you’re referring to is eradication. The difference isn’t between eradication and genocide. It’s between supporting Israel’s defense or funding and encouraging eradication while repealing laws that prevent them from settling on Palestinian territory.
True. Unfortunately, there will be no way to hit the brakes on climate change once it has progressed to the point of a green Siberia.
I didn’t suggest accepting genocide. I said that’s it’s a fact that either Harris or Trump will be President next year. Your acceptance of that fact does not change its inevitably.
You do, however, have the ability to prevent Trump from encouraging the eradication of Palestinians.
The unfortunate truth is that neither Harris nor Trump is good for Palestinians, however there’s certainty that Trump will be worse. Voting third-party with enough momentum may change things over a long period of time, but that won’t help Palestinians now.
So if it’s a given that either Harris or Trump will be President next year, it’s either about weighing the other important issues, or accepting the candidate that hasn’t called for the eradication of Palestinians after removing restrictions on Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory.
They wouldn’t know majesty if it came up and bit them in the face.