• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Is there a dedicated page tracking updates specifically to KDE Connect?

    It is part of KDE Gear, so generally in the gear release announcement. The last few releases were not that big in term of feature but the next one includes some goodies.

    Does Connect use BTLE?

    KDE Connect will have the Bluetooth backend enabled by default with the next gear release (24.02). I’m not sure if this is BTLE or normal Bluetooth.

    Could you guys implement an auto tethering option between phone/PC?

    No idea :(

    How instant are notifications synced?

    For me it is pretty instant. I never miss my Bereal notifications thanks to it :)

    Do notifications disappear on one side or the other when viewed on one or the other platform?


    Maybe implement a “link to KDE” notification toggle to mirror the “link to windows” functionality of Android?

    No idea :(