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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • The bulk of the article I found frustrating, as I felt it focused on vagueries in what masculinity is. The last paragraph finally gave something useful to grab onto:

    “If you look at the problems young men are facing: Lack of economic opportunity is one of them, lack of growth and wages is one of them. But you also have isolation and loneliness and suicidal ideation and these deaths of despair that are happening and plaguing particularly the white men community. And I can’t imagine another group of people in this country having [problems] like that where it wouldn’t be talked about all the time.”

    After really thinking critically about these points, I was able to see things with being frustrated about. Here in Pennsylvania, there are quite a number of places where I can see how focusing on these issues could bring major improvement.

    The bonus is I feel these things are part of the Democratic platform, it’s just the current messaging doesn’t speak well to the type of voters who are suffering from these issues.

    They’re largely economic and healthcare issues, things that have been hammered by Republicans for the last few decades. Messages about climate change jobs (renewables, etc) and expanded healthcare or Medicare for All feel largely targeted to those already on board the Democratic platform.

    Change it to focusing on how the Republicans have left them empty handed to give everything to the wealthy, how business and billionaire taxation is going to give it back to them, how free or subsidized schooling will get them in demand jobs, and how we will get doctors to come to rural areas again. It’s already there, just the messaging isn’t targeted to people turned off the current political scene.

    I do feel like some of this has been tried in the past, so some of you may feel this didn’t work before, but we’ve also had a bit of Overton shift since then as well, climate has become more front and center, education wasn’t seen so broadly as a controversial thing, and whether the goals of the messaging were actually accomplished or not (they obviously were not), the overall situation was still better in reality.

  • I don’t recall where they all were, but I do remember there being a string of these power station shootings for a while. It’s somewhat nice to know the reasoning behind it all now, though also more disturbing seeing how widespread it is and not just a couple of local yahoos. Both these women deserve to put away.

    My unsureness was only about the level of responsibility for Durov, though it seems some of his charges are for his complicities in allowing things like this to continue and failing to cooperate with requests to do something from authorities. It does sound like he is now cooperating to turn over any evidence he may have about crimes arranged over Telegram, so why I don’t feel this should give him a free pass, it’s good he may allow other crimes to be prevented or prosecuted.

    I don’t follow much of this news lately, as I’ve just been overwhelmed by it becoming such a regular thing, so I’ve had to catch up on all these details.

  • Agents recovered various firearms from her bedroom and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. Clendaniel is prohibited from possessing a firearm because she is a convicted felon.

    Evidence used in the trial included transcripts of recorded phone conversations between Clendaniel and a confidential informant, revealing that she wanted to obtain a high-powered rifle to shoot through substations in Reisterstown, Perry Hall, White Marsh, and more locations.

    I tried to find data about how seriously straw purchases are being treated these days, as enforcement always seemed very lax. This is how this person seems to have obtained her weaponry. A straw purchase in the case of firearms is when someone buys a firearm with the intent of it ending up in the hands of someone else. It is common to have a partner or acquaintance purchase a gun to get around the background check.

    I searched for “straw purchase jail” to try to find conviction rates, and oddly all the results looked to be only from Pennsylvania, and are pretty recent. There does seem to be some enhanced penalties put into place nationally, after a number of mass shootings traced back to straw purchases.

    Prosecutors say Clendaniel has been in communication with her co-defendant, Russell, through Dallas Humber, an alleged transnational terrorist group leader from California. Humber is accused of soliciting hate crimes, the murder of Federal officials, and conspiring to provide materials to terrorists. The communication between Clendaniel, Humber and Russell persisted until July 2024.

    Prosecutors allege this communication shows that Clendaniel is still conspiring during recorded phone calls while incarcerated.

    Before receiving the sentence, Clendaniel addressed the courtroom saying she is more likely to hurt herself than others. She says she still retains her national socialist beliefs, which she has had since she was 13 years old, but that she would not act on them.

    Judge Bredar explained that she is not being sentenced for her beliefs, rather she is being put behind bars because she was prepared to act on them and cause significant harm. He said he is not convinced she wouldn’t act on them in the future.

    And she has learned nothing. Hopefully she will continue to incriminate herself on a regular basis to ensure she serves the full 18 years of her sentence.

  • You made me curious, and you are correct that “click” is nowhere in the document.

    It does seem to further refine the original intent of the law. My takeaway was it is now required to unsubscribe in the same way you sign up. If you can sign up online, you can quit online, not only by calling a number or visiting a place in person. If you signed up in person, you can quit in person, not call a number no one will answer.

    There’s a few other new provisions too, such as allowing for termination if the price of the subscription changes. Overall, it seems to improve on what was there.

    I’m not in California, so I didn’t read it word for word, as it won’t apply to me, but it was interesting to get more of the truth. If you want to see the full text with the amendments highlighted, here you go.

  • The bagel place is like that sometimes where they haven’t made the buzz yet and they let us pick. The Jamaican place has seemed the same every time, but it’s a great portion of assorted items. We also got good stuff from a vegan, non-every allergen place. The prices were premium, but the stuff was really tasty, and even though we didn’t have special diet restrictions, other family members do, do we could promote it to them. We’ve also gotten to try different things we don’t normally order, like we get a big bag of pepperoni rolls from a pizza place, and the other place is the sausage food truck thing outside Home Depot which was actually really tasty.

    Only once did we feel a place was a little less generous, but it still wasn’t a bad deal for the price, just in comparison to other grab bags.

    It’s got us to try both local stuff we’ve never gotten to check out, and also things a little further away than we’d normally go to because it’s a cheap adventure with really nothing to lose.

  • I think I did a post not too long ago about these people. What I think this story best highlights is that it really takes minimal effort to achieve important results, people just actually need to do it.

    He put up some owl boxes, and made nice areas for the owl’s food to live too. It was land that wasn’t useful for anything for people, and now it is bringing back the owls.

    The owls need a good supply of rodents, such as wood mice, field mice, and shrews.

    He has turned parts of the land that are not being used for arable farming into wild bird cover with rough grass areas to allow these types of animals to thrive.

    Getting neighbors to stop using poison will be the big challenge. Poisoned animals are easy to catch as they succumb to the effects, and are taken back to be shared with the nest. They’re also eaten by pets and other wild animals, killing them all very painfully. Poisoning is terrible and should be stopped.

  • I’m glad to see this. I’m not the best historian, but Haiti seems to have one of the roughest histories. Everyone who’s ever had anything to do with it from its colonization to present day has left it a worse place than they’ve found it. Even the modern aid that gets sent there is done thoughtlessly and seems to hurt them more than help them.

    I think they’re an amazing and persistently strong people, but I do not fault any of them the slightest bit for wanting to get out.

    Anything that positively helps the Haitian people is such a joy to hear about.