• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023

  • I cannot for the life of me understand why billboards are legal in general. We’ve gone through the effort of banning distractions like even touching your phone while you’re driving, which makes sense, but yet these massive advertisements who’s literal sole intention and purpose is to get you to look at it instead of the road exist and are everywhere. They’re also complete eyesores. Why?! It surprises me there hasn’t been more campaigns like that, I can’t imagine billboards are exactly a popular idea

  • Windows/OneDrive stealing my files was the tipping point to push me to Linux. I’d disabled OneDrive as much as I could like a year ago with a new install, and I simply opened it to check that it was all still disabled after seeing the headlines somewhat recently. Turns out that’s all the permission Windows thought it needed to start siphoning files off to somewhere else, since it got to work moving and uploading my documents immediately without warning. So thoroughly completely unacceptable, how could I possibly trust it with anything after that? I open a program once and my documents are immediately being sent to a server somewhere. That’s how a freaking virus acts! This was weeks ago and I’m still annoyed.

  • It’s not that I don’t want it to change, it’s that I’m exceedingly doubtful it’ll happen in a single election via a third party unless we get a knight in shining armor that sweeps the voters off their feet. Of the two parties we currently really have a choice between, the Dems are the only one that have a chance of improving the situation, as the republicans are purely regressive. So my hope and what I think is more realistically possible is that they can be a stepping stone towards improving the system in the long run. But if we do get the knight in shining armor that has an actual chance, they’ll get my vote

  • Not really, because unless you can convince a majority of Americans to vote third party, which is unbelievably unlikely, then Biden or Trump are the options. On top of that, when you start pulling left wing votes away from Biden, it makes it easier for Trump to win unless you hit the point of majority support, which is again incredibly unlikely. I wish that weren’t the reality, but that’s how it is currently, and I hella do not want another term of Trump as I believe that’d be genuinely ruinous.