Red Wizard 🪄

  • 48 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Have you tried increasing the size of your swap memory in windows? Otherwise known as “virtual memory”. Depending on the speed of your drive and available space, you might be able to increase the vertual memory size to get more performance.

    But what about using a page archiving service, even a self-hosted one, like Shiori. Shiori has an extension that can allow for single click page archiving right from the browser. The pages are saved as html files or txt files and it will create a readability version of the file which is just the text and images. You could then search the files and their contents using something like VS Code to search the whole directory where the files are stored. There are plenty of other ways to do that search once you have those archives, though. I think even Windows File Search will search the contents of a txt or html file stored on the device.

    Shiori also has its own search, which is pretty fast, and searches the contents of the archives as well.

  • The shine job they did on Biden while he was VP in the Obama years really weathered strong. All that “goofy grampa” shit they wrapped him in, and published all over the place, really solidified Biden as America’s Grandad, to the point that some people are still looking at him in the same way you might look at your cooky 80+ year old pops at the family picnic. They gave him this aura of stateliness, like he’s the Washington Monument come to life. He’s been through it all, seen every face of America, he’s the golden boy, the old dog, the tough but fair, the heavy hand but soft heart, the elected official equivalent of a mid-90s Ford Ranger, classic like coca-cola, a cool Budweiser on a hot summer night, Fireflies on the Forth of July, you know all that paper thin Americana draped over the face of death.

    This is what makes him so effective, and what gives everyone the license to walk beside him. No doubt in my mind, the level of resistance to the genocide in Gaza would be magnified ten times if Trump was in power now, making all the same moves as Biden is now. It’s because libs view Trump as “Fascism Manifest”. He is the doomsayer, a harbinger of the Apocalypse, and a “threat to democracy”, whatever that means to them. His aura is toxic, and liberal progressives wouldn’t be seen collaborating with him because he gives up the game too easily. He wears his class interests on his sleeve. Watching progressives line up behind a pro genocide Donald Trump would be far too much cognitive dissonance for the liberal progressive voters to handle. Watching them line up behind Grandpa Joe, however, well, that’s just party unity and liberal progressives hunger for party unity.

    I think the American institutions are accelerationist, and anyone you get out of that system as leaders would be accelerationists. The heel sets the stage, reads the crowd, establishes clear red lines and invites the masses to cosplay as resistance fighters standing behind the Face. Once the Face takes the stage, in the afterglow of the resistance’s victory, the red lines are moved forward quietly. Without this performance, there is no acceleration to be had. Both the Face and the Heel have a vested interested in the show they put on, and they need each other to keep the show going.

  • We also have to get away from the Panopticon we’ve created out of schools. I speak from experience here as a person who manages and implements these systems: You can not walk a hall without being recorded, you can’t send an email without it potentially being flagged and sent to administration, you can’t browse a website without it being logged and eventually used against you.

    Schools have become little state surveillance conditioning centers.

    Linked to this is the total lack of critical thought when introducing technology into a students academic life. Computer labs are things of the past. More and more districts are implementing 1:1 programs, which do help with equity but create new problems. Very often there is no guidance on when it’s appropriate to use technology as part of the curriculum, and at worst an outright mandate that technology is used at all times to justify the cost.

    I’ve been witness to dozens of cases of kids who are rabidly attached to their devices in an unhealthy way. Often its a symptom of an underlying neurodivergence.

    No critical thought or material understating of the implications of requiring device use for K-12 students. No thoughts on if this establishes a bad pattern of device dependency. No critical thoughts on Google or Apple and or the ethics of shuffling students down a pipeline that makes it harder for them to use alternatives, incubating future consumers. No consideration of alternatives, mostly do to lack of manpower required to implement them. Not a single shop equivalent education path that teaches you how computers work, how you might service them, and so on.

    I think about this story often:

    I wonder what kind of impact it had on even the tech neutral students. What kind of opinions or skills did these students pick up from being participants? What kind of culture did the kids have as a result of getting their needs met by other students? The benefits for the students involved in the helpdesk are obvious, what about the subtle benefits?

    Laws like COPPA do more harm then good frankly. Once administration understands the filtering system required to comply with COPPA can also pull logs at any time, its instantly weaponized against students. Often what is filtered comes down to not just the letter of the law but also the individual biases of the staff managing the tech or the administration.

    I can’t imagine what its like from the perspective of the average student and how it shapes their worldview.