I like the term blossom end. Its kind of a universal point of reference you can use for any fruit.
I like the term blossom end. Its kind of a universal point of reference you can use for any fruit.
Yes, I guess in that sense, sure. But that’s not how you hang it and that’s not how they usually show you how to peel it.
But kudos for catching me on my lack of banana growth habits.
Have an upvote!
The part opposite from the point at which it attached to the bunch.
Pinch the bottom, opens easily. Try snapping open the top and you get at best a smooshed tip at worst, at worst, it just doesn’t open.
Isn’t… Isn’t he already dead?? Like 25 years ago?
Throw a little Adderall in there, and you got a soup going!
So, who’s gonna be Robespierre?
Deep throat that banana whole like a real man. Yaaaas. What that throat do?
Ok. This seems workable. A worker revolution is easier when food is the crux.
I have ADHD. I’ve described my train of thought as less a single train on a single track, but each car on one of 8 tracks, some of which are multitrack drifting. But I don’t sound like Trump. He sounds like he’s lost his marbles and when he bends over to pick one up, dumps out the rest of the bag.
Anyone so concerned with presenting as masculine at every possible turn is immediately sus as being closeted to me. Just eat the damn banana like a human. Or like a monkey, which is what I do. I peel it from the bottom.
And as a gay person, any time someone says being gay is a choice, it screams to me that they are at least bi and suppressing those urges and impulses.
Turn it again! Turn it again!!
I don’t need a time machine. Just a machine that flips me to a different timeline. Big quantum egg turner.
I’ve never heard this word in my life and I somehow knew it was antisemitic?
Never have been, never will be.
Republicans said COVID was just a little flu, and nature said, hold my beer, I’ll remind you how bad a flu pandemic is.
As an example, COVID killed like .0875% of the global population. Spanish flu killed between 2.25 and 5.5% of the global population at the time, depending on which estimates are more correct.
Was the yogurt any good?
They are hard light projections. Their physical bodies are their gemstones. They are genderless, female presenting, sentient space rocks who reproduce via the various bodily secretions of their supreme diamond leaders.
Where White Diamond comes from is a true mystery, but I like to think of her like the Monolith. The creation of a long gone organic species that wanted to seed the universe with life. Only white was a bit more zealous for inorganic life forms than simple organic life.
As for Steven, it can be assumed, since the gems can shape shift their hard light projection forms, that Rose shape shifted a functioning human female reproductive system centered around her actual gemstone. Which Greg then proceeds to impregnate.
But it’s whatevs. I’m a big Steven Universe fan. Free therapy. Never had a cartoon make me cry more than that show.
Oh no! It me!