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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Seems like one of those neat features that in reality would see little to no use. Without a rework of cpu cooling systems and installation structures, a “hot swap” of the cpu would take minutes to complete at the fastest, and realistically, there are few circumstances that would benefit from a hot swap. The only realistic scenario would be prosumer dual+ cpu boards that can shift the load, yet are still trying to maintain 100% online time but still cannot afford to just shift it to a second server temporarily.

    Too stiff and unlikely to be used by the entry user, and not worth the risk for corporate entities that can afford to just have more servers with buffer to offline one for maintenance.

    As for my thoughts on how it’d work, perhaps freezing the entire system somehow, and then dumping all buffers to RAM, then like RA2 said, slowly feeling out what you’ve got, and waking things up one at a time as the RAM buffer is loaded back in. I can only guess at the landmines you’d run into trying this in a live environment, with any slight deviation from what a process expected immediately hanging that process, if not the whole system. I’d guess the new CPU would need as much or more cache space, although I’m already reaching my computer infrastructure knowledge on the subject.

  • Physically they need a face I enjoy seeing. Not a super high bar to pass I feel. Decent teeth, basic hygiene, they really just need to not look or smell like a ghoul. There’s going to be a sliding scale of interest beyond that, but physical is more of a disqualifier than a qualifier for me.

    Now the tougher physical one for my American ladies: she has to be lighter/thinner than me. I’m currently in less than ideal shape, but the proper fatties are immediately out. Most women will be shorter to significantly shorter than me, so this bar shouldn’t be a high one to overcome, yet somehow it is.

    Personality/past is going to be the highest hurdles honestly. She needs to have some sort of passion, an interest in advancing in some aspect of her life (and this cannot be a purely consumptive goal like watch X movies, go to X many places, ride X type of horse, own X type of house in Y location, etc). I’m not a fan of someone who is content to accomplish nothing in their life and stagnate at the purely average. I’d really prefer their interests somewhat coincide with mine, but as long as they’re capable of coexisting I wouldn’t mind.

    This will go hand-in-hand with the second qualifier, she needs a fairly long time horizon outlook and a high locus of control. I’m not a fan of someone who thinks they cannot heavily influence their future and drifts from thing to thing with no thought of what they want in 5, 10, 20 or 40 years down the line and what they might need to get there. They don’t need it mapped out entirely, just milestones and general targets of what they want and actual attempts to reach those goals.

    Going to need them to also be at maximum a moderate, and definitely not partisan. That’s going to be way too many fights over stupid shit from talking heads and is going to cause schisms.

    Yes I know it’s quite the tall order of requirements. I’m currently not in a condition the women I’m seeking deserve to be dating, and have stayed out of the dating pool until I improve myself, mostly in the physical environment.