HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Right wing countries do this. What do you think South Korea is? “Economic freedom,” is freedom commensurate with economic power, which means freedom for people with money, and “personal responsibility” for people without. The opposite of government regulation of business is corporate domination of government. You’re conflating these opposites to falsely align organized labor with “big business.” The entire right-libertarian political project is a smokescreen for the Kochs and their economic class to baffle morons into thinking the policies they want benefit the little guy.

  • It’s weird that people always seems blind-sided by the presence of the profit motive when it shows up in the production and distribution of something they enjoy. I’m not saying it’s good or rational, but something would have to be radically different about either WotC as an organization or the structure of the global economy for cards that are more desirable to not get increased pricing.

    Blogatog isn’t even close to how bad custom Tumblr styles can get in terms of usability. But the majority of users and I suspect MaRo himself access Tumblr through the app, so such concerns have been forgotten.

  • I don’t think I’ve been playing for much longer than you have, but I have brewed some decks from scratch that can hold their own against my more experienced friends. I use Archidekt’s categories feature to organize my candidate cards by function, but I choose functions specifically related to my gameplan. So for example I’m working on a [[Ravenous Squirrel]] PDH deck and I started with a little fewer than 200 cards. I decided I needed creatures that want to stay on the field because they grow or generate repeatable materials (around 12), and creatures that want to be sacrificed (around 23). Then I split the remaining slots up roughly evenly into noncreature spells that provide removal, noncreature spells that give my big guys evasion, noncreature spells that return my little guys from the graveyard, and artifacts that want to be sacrificed. Once I have a sense of these categories and roughly what size I want them to be, it’s a lot easier to successively cull the weaker cards within them, or pick out the top ones. All of the cuts I put in the maybeboard so after some playtesting I don’t have to find them again if I think my proportions were off or a card doesn’t work out like I thought it would.