
  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2022


  • By the early 2010s, at least two tycoons had seen their net worth approach that decabillion-dollar barrier, only to land in jail on corruption charges instead. That is not to say the charges were baseless, only that the choice of targets did appear to reflect a lingering, levelling tendency among China’s leaders.

    In this new era, it’s dangerous to get too rich. Stories abound of the state launching investigations against this business figure or that financier. The pressure is drying up venture capital funds, scaring the young away from lucrative professions such as investment banking. The number of millionaires leaving China has been rising and peaked last year at 15,000 — dwarfing the exodus from any other nation.

    xi pointing at the screen Hilarious shit. It’s almost as if it’s impossible to get rich through honest and ethical means.

  • The only possible glowop related to lemmygrad that we know of is Wenger/Wisconcom; Some guy from the US who claims to be Hoxhaist/Stalinist and calls this site and prolewiki “revisionist” because people here support the PRC. He lurks here and other places and has been actively attempting to infiltrate/wreck lemmygrad and prolewiki for over 2 years now. So far all of his attempts have hilariously failed, but for some reason he just never gives up. He might even be reading this very thread from a different account. I recommend “The Wiscon Files” for a deep dive.

    Unless suddenly strange things start happening here on lemmygrad I think there is no need for this much paranoia (unless you’re somehow a big threat to the imperial state).

  • It doesn’t help that they keep deprecating and changing standard stuff every other version. It’s like they can’t make up their mind and everything may be subject to change. Updating to the most recent release can suddenly cause 10s or 100s of compiler warnings/errors and things may no longer behave the same. Then you look up the new documentation and realize that you have to refactor a large part of the codebase because the “new way” is for whatever reason vastly different.

  • It’s capitalism. Nobody wants to take risks anymore because game development is a huge industry now with many investors who demand their developers play it safe and make sure it has mass appeal. Then even the indies (those who view game dev primarily as a business) see that what the big guys are doing “works” so now they strive to do the same because otherwise there would be no way for them to stay competitive. Only game devs who view making games as a fun thing to do and don’t even really think about the industry or the current market can make good games. Which are a small minority at this point, because capitalism favors the former.

  • I feel the same. I only play very few games anymore for this reason. Most of the games I play are very niche because they at least try to be unique. Like Fates of Ort or Dust Riser for example. I also tend to play a lot of open source re-implementations like OpenRCT2, OpenMW or Augustus (Caesar III).

    Game stores are flooded with crap that tries to appeal to the widest possible audience, which makes it really difficult to find actually good games. Even most Indies only produce slop. Nintendo used to make really interesting games back in the day. Still have my GameBoy and 3DS with some of my favorite games, so at least I can still enjoy those.