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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • “That’s a really dismissive way to say you have nothing at all”


    so you run away like a coward.

    Would telling a crazy person that they are crazy be of any use? There wouldn’t even be any satisfaction in it.

    The guessing game is fun since its amusing to get an insight into somone who lacks knowledge on the subject but is so overconfident they will make claims on the basis of an argument happening entirely in their heads rather then whats happening in reality. Pointing it out wont change anything either as as consumed as they are by keyboard warrior rage you will just run around this circle until you tire yourself out

  • They are against immigrants,

    Not a nazi thing. Lot of governments are. While not the most economically beneficial it is a countries right to want them or not.

    want to suppress freedom,

    They have a government that banns slogans/free speech.

    Is the current german government nazi’s?/facist?

    By all means it can make them tyrannical or authotarian but doesnt make them nazi’s unless said limitation of freedom is based

    On control of everything inside the state Nothing aganist the state And nothing outside the state.

    Then yeah thats Grade A nazi’s

    want to separate kids with disabilities from other kids in schools,

    If they are coming at it from an ubermensch angle then yeah sure. Depending on the disability there is plenty of valid reasons to want seperate classes. Personal example is that we have a special ed class for kids that are on the spectrum that makes them incompatible with other students or larger classes. But im guessing its not something reasonable like that.

    etc. They not just tolerate but supports Nazis like Höcke, who btw. told an inteviewer once that once he’s in power, the interviewer will regret asking those questions

    As scum of the earrh journalists can be. Not a good choice of words as a politician.

  • No the bot accusations come from their account and the fact they reposts a crap tonne of content from reddit on just about every community.

    That and the weird as fuck jump to extremes although thats a pretty common knee jerk thing in online discourse.

    If they arent a bot…wow.well i guess i shouldnt be surprised the more niche the online platform the greater number of autistic people trying to find their own circle of normalcy.