The main reason I didn’t move to Windows 11 when it was new was it being picky and refusing to install on a processor that was only released two years before the OS (my setup itself being only a year old at the time). Since most things I’ve read about it since then act as a deterrent to upgrading instead of an incentive I now have no real inclination to try and update from 10 until I’m forced to by software requirements.
I still retain a Windows install for games, and eventually things stop working easily. I kept running Windows 7 up until around when I built my current PC (2020) and that upgrade was due to some compatibility issue - I can’t remember whether it was hardware compatibility with the new setup or a game/launcher requiring Windows 10 before I upgraded. I expect that I will eventually get something that wants 11 to work.
Mind you I spend a lot less time on games these days and I will probably get a few more years out of that computer - it might be a good while before compatibility/security becomes an issue and I’m required to consider moving on.