This is truly an aspect of humanity that I can’t fully grasp.

I understand stereotypes and, to a degree, why they exist (this is just a personal rant or I’d elaborate). But as far as humans making personal choices that don’t have any bearing on the existence of others, and the judgment they receive for them, I just… don’t.

For instance, if someone is gay/straight/trans, in what way does that affect people who seemingly dislike them? I can’t understand why it invokes such negativity in some. It doesn’t have any impact on their lives personally, so why be bothered by it?

Racism is another thing. How can someone judge an entire group based on a singular bad example?

I’m not really trying to understand the motivations of people who judge; I’m more just confounded by the entire thing. We have such little time here, and we seem to always find reasons to hate. And to what end? How does this help us by constantly dwelling on what we perceive to be “bad” or “wrong”?

I don’t know. I feel like a major part of the problem is media constantly putting us against each other.

Whatever. Kill your tv or something.

    1 year ago

    It’s easier to rally people to a (bad) cause if you can target “the other.” I imagine this may have tribal origins; distrust may have kept more tribes alive and the trait gets passed down? So what I’m saying is that bigots are less evolved… ;)