…replacing the previously hydraulic version.

Insert obligatory welcome statement here.

  • werefreeatlast@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    It looks like an improvement 😔. I mean fuck! I can’t even limbo that low much less get up from 0 to upright folding my legs around like that. But my face lamp is pretty bright! Just upgraded to LEDs and now I’m like a walking sun. I think they just copied me like that. And I got two ears not just one lowly antenna. So that’s not an upgrade.

    Now they just need a silicone dildo, some silicone glue and a famous pornstar actress. That would sell a lot of droids this Christmas. Lots of Jewish, Jehovahs, Catholic, Christian, Protestant, Muslim men would be very interested…and women too. Specially if they come preprogrammed or programmable for special work like that.