Gendered question, I know. If you don’t identify as a man, please feel free to answer with whatever you want. I meant to post it in the Men’s Lib sub but somehow it always bugs for me.

Let’s spill the tea lads

I like painting my nails.

I like gardening and I take great pride in my plants and upcoming indoor veggie and herb garden.

I dance when I go out.

I like bright colors.

I like candles that smell nice.

I like flowers.

I like Harry Styles.

I like crocheting.

Whatever you like, be proud of it. There is no such thing as liking something unmanly. Nothing can harm your manliness. Do what you want.

  • Ergifruit [he/they]
    1 year ago

    i never saw gardening as something “unmanly”, but that might be because i live in a semi-rural area. everybody and their paw-paw gardens, just about. i always paint my nails, and sometimes i’ll wear makeup. i see other people mentioning cooking and sewing, but i think that’s very dependant on where you’re at. my dad, brothers, uncles, male cousins all cook and sew. i always thought it was weird if men couldn’t do that; in context of “traditional” Western masculinity, doesn’t that mean youre weak and cant provide if you can’t cook for your family to keep them fed, or can’t fix their clothes to keep them warm? though embroidery is considered feminine, and i like to practice that. i’m really bad at it, but it counts!

      1 year ago

      Women were forcefully relegated to housework only, so things like cooking and sewing were all that women could do if they didn’t want to go insane or be beat.

      So by extension, in many places those tasks are considered unmanly.