Equipment details:

  • Mount: OpenAstroMount by OpenAstroTech
  • Lens: Sony 200-600 @ 600mm f/7.1
  • Camera: Sony A7R III
  • Guidescope: OpenAstroGuider (50mm, fl=153) by OpenAstroTech
  • Guide Camera: SVBONY SV305m Pro
  • Imaging Computer: ROCKPro64 running INDIGO server

Acquisition & Processing:

  • Imaged and Guided/Dithered in Ain Imager
  • 360x30s lights, 30 darks, 30 flats, 30 biases
  • Stacked in Siril, background extraction, photometric color calibration, generalized hyperbolic stretch transform, and StarNet++
  • Enhanced saturation of the galaxy and recombined with star mask in GIMP, desaturated and denoised background

Suggestions for improvement or any other form of constructive criticism welcome!