I’m learning to make my own clothes, but fabric is expensive and buying patterns from corporations feels like death by a thousand cuts. Anybody know of a resource for shared patterns? Megathread understandably doesn’t address this particular need.
It hadn’t ever occurred to me to look for pirated patterns :D Here are some sites with a ton of free patterns.
Z-Library also has a ton of stuff.
These are great, thanks for sharing, though some spaces would make them easier to tell apart!
Thanks, I’d managed to miss 2 of those!
Sorry about that, the formatting got stripped.
No worries, I figured a machine screwed something up along the way lol
Thanks again for the great resources, I’ve bookmarked them all, just in case…
https://freesewing.org/ has somewhat limited patterns but they’re flexible and a really cool project!
Can recommend them, too. Nice documentation on how to make measurements etc. Everything free and transparent in the spirit of open-source projects. I made a t-shirt.
I don’t have special knowledge in this area, but I’m sure that on torrent sites (available on the Megathread) you could find courses, documentation or books on the subject.
MAM has a load I think they’re under lifestyle