I am in higher level education in the public university system. I used to view academia as a source of hope in society, and perhaps a progressive institution in someways, or some kind of source of hope with their supposed focus on science and research. After some years here, this “image” I had of academia has been shattered.

What are your perceptions of academia and research institutions, as Marxists?

  • ghost_of_faso2@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    While studying (sociology and politics) my lecturer told me a time they where commisioned to do an investigation into heroin users in Glasgow and come back with reccomondations for policy.

    They go and interview 100’s of people, conduct experiments, come back and tell them

    ‘we should legalize drugs and setup safe consumption rooms in order to reduce harm as much as possible’ (Glasgow has some of the highest rates of drug deaths in the world for context)

    They tell her ‘we dont like your results, we wont be pursuing any of your reccomondations unless you can make it say that we need to criminalize them’

    Anyway, academia is mostly just a way for a company to advertise itself now a days. It works by only things that make profit and make company/politician look good will be funded; Academia is mostly compromised in the upper echeleons of it, with many well do-ers and intulectual energy being wasted.

  • lil_tank@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    The role of academia under any regime of political economy is complex because there will always be incentives to defend the system in place while the standard of seriousness can’t just make it easy propaganda for the ruling class.

    The easiest position for an academic to have is to criticise without opposing: being critical is a way to reinforce something (hence why communists encourage self-crit), only by actively opposing something you can destroy it.

  • SovereignState@lemmygrad.mlM
    7 months ago

    In as few words as possible: U.S. academia functions as an MLM* scheme where your best career prospect after getting out will be in academia, preparing further students to leave academia only to return, ad infinitum.

    Except for STEM degrees. Then you might be able to get a job for the military industrial complex.

    Almost no one I know who finished university wound up doing the kind of work they studied for. One’s in healthcare. The rest are still doing odd-jobs or wound up back in academia.

    *MLM = multi-level marketing, not Marxist-Leninist-Maoist

    • The_Spooky_Blunt@lemmygrad.mlOP
      7 months ago

      Honestly, I wouldn’t be that opposed to having to stay in Academia and just do research, if the entire institution and system around submitting research wasn’t such a corrupt pile of shit. I honestly fucking love doing research, even in my free time, I always have a million tabs open, always trying to read new stuff. Just can’t stand the elitism and classism in Academia. Wish being an independent researcher was a more realistic thing.

  • Kaffe@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago


    Palo Alto by Malcolm Harris covers the creation and life of Stanford University and its role in Colonialism (and its Colonial roots). It’s a hella long read but great at showing you that Academia is a pivotal arm upholding Colonialism and the Bourgeoisie.

  • LarkinDePark@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    Just private companies out to make a profit churning out employees pre trained to generate profit for private interests.

  • Trudge [Comrade]@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    There was a time when academia was heavily socialist until the early 70s or so in the West. It’s the one institution that needs to be brought back to our side before a revolution can succeed. Feudal, liberal, and fascist governments were afraid of universities until recent times when it got defanged.

  • I am the benefactor of this system, I grew up poor, child of an immigrant (and one US American), I busted my ass studying (mostly because I am a bookworm by nature, I can read 8 or 10 hours in a row by accident) and even though I went to a community college at first, I was given a space to transfer and ended up in the Ivy League. They are all progressive on the outside but reinforce your “superiority” and so many people actually believe they are superior beings (even though most pay their way in and can afford pricey tutors for all their classes). My professors were mostly all amazing and brilliant. I have a degree of economic privilege that I feel is awarded to me due to the connections from the system.

    I still believe that the entire system is bullshit and needs to be torn down. Education frees the mind and the soul, but to gatekeep this education is to stay within the elites and a few choice poors elevated as the “hyper-competent managerial class” is still a shitty system. I was awarded a fancy trinket for my academic excellence and I sold it to some rich kid that wanted it and donated that money to give to South American charities.

  • lckdscl [they/them]@whiskers.bim.boats
    7 months ago

    While these institutions can be progressive and may seem to foster that “unlimited freeze peach”, they also function as businesses who want to attract as many intellectuals as possible with the hope of boosting their reputation.

    As a whole, they form the intellegentsia that shape and steer our culture. I wouldn’t say they’re the sole dominating force of the cultural hegemon, but I think they play a very important role in manufacturing consent, under the guise of the scientific method ™. I don’t doubt the ability to find purity in any research program, but more often than not those that are directly applicable to society (so maybe not the string theory department) can be weaponized to influence public opinion. See how institutions influence the meat/factory farm industry, as an example.

    Considering these elements, it isn’t suprising that academics who are dissenters against the status quo will likely have their career terminated (at least in the west). Take a look at David Miller in the UK.

    Alongside the prestige and allure of many scientific journals, academics also talk of the “publish or perish” mentality. Now, I don’t know if this is still a strong sociological phenomena, but everyone I know with a PhD or doing one who want to pursue academia really submit to that belief.

    There has also been frequent news of academic fraud, or exposé of academic journals being extremely careless with what they publish.

    With all of this in mind (I’m sure I can think of more), the “image” I had of academia has also been shattered. I’ve always known it is imperfect, but it is not the safe haven it paints itself to be. With that being said, I know many academics who mainly teach and seldom publish and who are great people. Many modern Marxists whose works I enjoy reading on MR also have a position in academia. So it’s not all that bad I think.

    • The_Spooky_Blunt@lemmygrad.mlOP
      7 months ago

      I think it’s hard, because the farther I get into my academic career, the more elitist it gets, and the more “pay to play” it feels, like it’s just made for rich kids. I got into my program on a 75% merit based scholarship, but then my PI started setting me up with all these conferences to submit our papers to, except no one told me that I need to be the person fronting these several hundreds of dollars for registering papers that the school says they will pay me back “if funding permits” lol, what a joke. It feels like an institution that exists only to be accessible for the wealthy, despite me fighting my way up the ladder tooth and nail.

  • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    I had that same view until i actually spent a few years in the academic system. That shattered my illusions and left me very cynical about the whole institution. Even in my STEM field academia was just being used as an auxiliary to the private sector with which universities are inextricably intertwined. And more than the structure of the institution itself i was disgusted by the types of people in it. Perhaps this is worse in STEM but the kinds of people i was surrounded by were some of the most unpleasant i have ever interacted with.

  • HaSch@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    I got my degree in maths so there was little possibility for propaganda or manipulation in any of the courses, but that went along with a gaping hole where the funding was supposed to be. For the first few years of my degree, we attended some lectures in a building that was already torn down on paper and hadn’t been renovated in a century; it had water leaking in through the ceiling in three places, one window could not be closed due to a tree growing through it, and the heating had to be turned up to 11 to prevent mould. We finally ended up getting a shiny new building thanks to a local donor who was a maths enthusiast

  • ihaveibs@lemmygrad.ml
    7 months ago

    For the most part, academia exposes a lot of the bullshit going on. However, liberal ideology prevents researchers from seeing “the elephant” i.e. the horrors of capitalism, so they go searching for answers down blind alleys. For example, in my field, research has established the brutality of our healthcare system; but, research will always seek to answer this by recommending and then further exploring “novel healthcare solutions” instead of, ya know, the solution that’s right in our face (FUCKING DESTROY OUR HEALTHCARE SYSTEM)

    • The_Spooky_Blunt@lemmygrad.mlOP
      7 months ago

      Haha, my partner is in Academia in healthcare, and she talks about that very thing like once a week, saying she has to resist the urge to point out “the elephant” on a weekly basis to her peers.

      • ihaveibs@lemmygrad.ml
        7 months ago

        Haha there is a lot of time spent staring blankly and resisting the urge to explode on some of these hopelessly dense fuckers