Disclaimer: Nothing about this follower is NSFW, I am just marking it as such due to the screenshots shown on the mod page. The follower itself is completely lore-friendly as well and should have no lore-breaking dialogue. When you go to pick her up she should be wearing a basic mage robe and her glasses. If the glasses are an issue you can safely take those off no problem, though they do have an enchantment if you decide to keep them!

What’s new in this version?

In this version, Astara will have much more to say about the areas around her like more dungeons/caves/clearings/etc, cities, player homes, shops, temples, standing stones, and even Dragonborn locations! No longer will you take her out of Winterhold only for her to be clueless about the current area around her and act as if she’s never seen it before in her life! This update gives her a lot of new dialogue lines just for her ‘Tell me about’ feature. While Coldsun wrote all her current dialogue, I wrote all of these update lines for her!

Initially, we had planned that her romance update would come out next. However, we wanted to give her a more fleshed-out personality as her initial release is a bit bare-bones. This update should give people a better idea about her personality and her feelings about certain things or areas, it also adds in a bit more lore tidbits as well.

What’s coming next?

Her next update, 1.2, should be her romance/marriage update! This may take time as we want to make sure it feels right. We don’t want her romance to feel rushed or unnatural, and we don’t really want a system where you bribe her with things just to raise her interest in you. We’re still thinking of ideas for how it should go and what we want to add, but I can say for sure that it’ll be inclusive! Coldsun and I have a list of features we will be adding to her over time, this is a long-term project for both of us and she is nowhere near finished. We do have a list of things we want to add to her and ideally, we will be able to add all of it, such as:

  • Backstory.
  • Follower banter.
  • Book-retrieving quests with unique rewards.
  • Main story & major faction commentary/dialogue.
  • Daedric quest commentary/dialogue.
  • Side quest-aware commentary/dialogue.
  • Weather comments.
  • Spell-aware comments like healing hands/charm/fear/etc.
  • Possible expansion of already existing lines such as her idles, attacks, etc.

None of these are in any certain order, but I hope this gives an idea of how much we want to add for her!


I hope this update gives people a better understanding of how we want Astara to be. When writing these lines for her, I pictured her as being a friendly lore dork with a bit of a fiery temper, so I hope that came through as I will fully admit, I am not a writer!

We hope you enjoy bringing her along with you on your travels, and keep an eye out for more eventual updates!

Mod Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93354