(title added by lemmy community mod)

Image description: Two screenshot of Google searches from two different times. At 8:32 PM, the user searches “how to get a dragon scimitar mouse cursor” which shows a normal cursor. 11 minutes later at 8:43 PM, the user searches “how to get rid of a computer virus”, now with a dragon scimitar cursor.

(Originally published earlier today on wetdry.world)

  • rustyricotta@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    For the most part, I wouldn’t change anything about the queries in the OP. It’s pretty representative of what I’d type.

    I’m sure you could get similar results with “remove virus guide” but I guess I prefer to use language/sentences that are highly likely to match what’s found on the sites.

    I’d probably end up with “how to remove virus Windows reddit”, find out the answer is nuke it from orbit, then I’d have to search about how to safely get files from virus computer.

    On the other hand, for simple stuff, I absolutely do stuff like “Jupiter radius”