This is long but worth it, I promise.

It started when I was 19 and working at a private country club/golf course that has a restaurant. I worked as a server and did a lot of private parties at the club. I like to think I was a pretty good server cause I would have parties of 30+ and work them by myself with a bartender and food runner. I started getting hired to do private parties at people’s houses and since they always paid in cash and paid a lot, I worked every single one. My pay ranged from a couple hundred to thousands depending on what kind of party they were having and what I was expected to do.

The party I got the most money for was when I served 10 guys, all from different professions, and only one of them was a member at the club. The party was at one of their houses. They were all in their 40’s with the oldest being in his early 50’s. They were having dinner catered so I had to make them drinks, prepare the plates and serve them, clear the plates and load a dishwasher (not hard) and then continuously make them drinks while they played poker. They paid me $2500. I was there from 5pm to 2am. It honestly wasn’t a hard party to work so I was super surprised by the amount of money but I realized they were probably paying for my silence. They talked a lot about cheating on their wives. Some of them were divorced but were talking about underage girls they had slept with and a bunch of other things they probably shouldn’t have been doing. Lots of talk about drugs and women, gambling, you name it, they did it.

I thought it was a one off but they contacted me again to work their party two weeks later and told me they get together every two weeks and want me to work every time. So basically I started making $5000 every month doing what seemed like a super easy job. Then it got a bit more serious.

They started flirting with me which wasn’t unheard of at the club or at private parties. I flirted back because why not? It made the parties more fun and everyone had a good time. Then they started touching me. Little touches here and there, putting a hand on my back or touching my waist. We started talking more and they learned more about my life and I learned about theirs. It seemed like I was the center of attention a lot of the time and I liked it. I would make their drinks and serve their dinner and then sit down with them and have a glass of wine. Instead of playing poker, sometimes we would just sit around and talk.

One night when we were sitting around, I had drank a little too much wine and one of the guys started kissing me so I kissed him back. The next thing I knew, another one of the guys was beside me and turned me to face him so we could kiss too. I ended up full on making out with four of them that night, sitting in their laps and getting super into it and then one guy said they should get me home and we ended the party. I thought they were mad at me or I crossed a line but the guy I was mostly in contact with asked me to work the next party so I did.

This time the atmosphere was totally different. I got there and they had drinks already made and had one for me too. The food was in platters and was set up buffet style. I asked what was going on and they said that I was joining them not serving them. It was awkward at first cause I wanted to bring up what happened last time but they didn’t mention anything. We sat down with our drinks and started talking like usual and then served ourselves dinner. During dinner, one of the guys said they wanted to talk to me. I was like, fuck here we go. He basically said, “We want to fuck you” and I was floored. I thought I was getting fired or that this was going to be the last party I worked but I definitely didn’t expect that. I didn’t know what to say.

They all started telling me how they keep hiring me to work their parties because they like seeing me and spending time with me, how they’ve been looking for someone they can hire to have sex with on a regular basis and they think I’m a good fit for the group. They like the way I work and they like me and after the last party, they think I feel the same way. I was still pretty speechless. They said that I could say no and we would part ways or I could say no and continue to work the parties the way I have been. OR I could say yes. If I said yes, they would set me up with my own apartment and pay the rent (I was living with my parents at the time and hated it there), up my pay to 10 grand a month, and pay for whatever I wanted to buy. All I had to do was let them all fuck me whenever they wanted to. We would still have our parties but they would end differently, with them taking turns with me at the end of the night, and I basically had to be available to them at all times.

So, I negotiated. I wanted 15 grand a month and didn’t want to work at the club anymore. I told them I wanted a contract with all of their signatures in case the deal went sour so I would have some leverage over them. I told them to make a schedule so they could all fuck me but during a certain period of the day because I also wanted to have a life and go out and do things. I agreed to let them do whatever they wanted to me but we had to come up with safe words and boundaries and make sure we were all on the same page with what they could and couldn’t do. I wanted to be in charge of the terms and could end the contract whenever I wanted with one months notice. I would move out of the apartment if the contract ended and they weren’t allowed to contact me. They all agreed and said they would have the contract to me by the next party and I had two weeks to think it over and change my mind if I wanted to.

Then we continued the party the way we always did. We finished dinner, put the dishes away, made more drinks and got into the wine. I told them I was definitely in but they assured me I could take the time just in case. Even though I was still dumbfounded by the whole thing, one thing led to another and I ended up getting fucked by them for the first time. It started with making out again and before I knew it, one of my guys was on his knees between my legs. They asked me what I wanted and I told them I wanted a sample of what they were going to give me. They all took turns kissing and touching me. I sucked some of them off and some of them ate me out. Then they started fucking me. One by one, they fucked my pussy and left me filled with their cum. They were gentle and rough and patient all at the same time. When they were done with me, I got cleaned up and they told me again I could back out if I wanted to. I went home feeling amazing. My life had completely changed.

That was over a year ago and our deal is still on. I get fucked almost every day by my guys and they’ve kept up their end of the bargain. We have our parties every two weeks and they gangbang me until I can’t take it anymore. We’ve expanded what we do with each other and I’ve let them fuck me in every way they can. I’m taken care of, everything is paid for, and I have the best time just living my life however I want. I asked them if I could start sharing our stories here and they all agreed so here I am. I’m open to DMs and chats and would love to start talking to people about my guys. Hit me up whenever!

ETA: Sorry you all, I’m going to stop replying to comments here cause they are a little overwhelming. I’ll put a post in my profile soon where you can comment me or you can send me messages/chats.