Excluding something like the suspiciously-timed Bucha Massacre, how would I deal with the regular atrocity propaganda? Maybe some comparison to other attacks by Ukraine would be fine.

Note- hopefully I don’t sound like I’m acting in bad faith intentionally.

  • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    And also, i’m sorry but where was this level of care for civilian lives in ANY of the conflicts waged by the West? Can you imagine if there had been an article like this every time US bombs killed civilians in Yugoslavia, or Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Syria, or Lybia? In fact what this shows more than anything else is the incredibly low level of civilian casualties in this conflict, the fact that incidents where the western propagandists even have a chance to twist into an accusation against Russia are so rare that a story like this is even noteworthy.

    We have no idea how many or even whether civilians were killed at all in this specific incident, and i’m not saying that there weren’t and that if it happened it’s not tragic. But if we take a broader look at the overall statistics of this war, even by the count of the most biased anti-Russian western organizations the ratio of civilian to combatant casualties is incredibly low, especially for a conflict of this intensity. They are so low they are historically unprecedented. In no modern conflict have civilian casualties been orders of magnitude lower than combatant ones like they are in this one.

    In every war waged by the US on some hapless developing nation they have always killed way more civilians than actual enemy combatants. And they would have killed even more if they were suffering the kinds of soldier losses that Russia is (which while vastly lower than Ukraine’s are still significant). We have seen in Vietnam and Korea what the US does to civilians when their armed forces start to feel some actual pain and are not just steamrolling over vastly technologically and organizationally inferior enemies.

    Of course we can’t reduce everything to statistics. Human beings are dying and that’s awful. Even many of Ukraine’s soldiers were either dragooned/force conscripted or induced to join with a torrent of lies and propaganda (much of Ukraine’s population has been immersed in a media and political environment dominated by Nazi propaganda and demonization of Russia for years now, and many who are now fighting grew up being brainwashed every day with this ideological poison). So to the people who are claiming to have true humanitarian intentions, tell them this:

    The best thing to do if you want to save lives is to stop this conflict as soon as possible, for which there is only one realistic option: the West needs to stop arming and funding Ukraine. If that happens the war will be over in a couple of months if not weeks. Ukraine government insiders even confirmed that they probably would have capitulated in March 2022 if the West had not essentially given them a blank check for unlimited support and promised them that they could still win. Ukraine has been duped and is being destroyed for the West’s own futile geopolitical games against Russia, none of which have succeeded and most have severely backfired.