So you’re telling me that, not only are federal elections decided by states rather than votes, but each individual state has their own set of laws to prevent you from appearing in the ballot? And it’s somehow still fine because “you can just do a write-in vote”?

My favourite one is the Texan one, where you need to have gotten boatload of votes in order to appear on the ballot.

For a registered political party in a statewide election to gain ballot access, they must either: obtain 5% of the vote in any statewide election; or collect petition signatures equal to 1% of the total votes cast in the preceding election for governor, and must do so by January 2 of the year in which such statewide election is held. An independent candidate for any statewide office must collect petition signatures equal to 1% of the total votes cast for governor, and must do so beginning the day after primary elections are held and complete collection within 60 days thereafter (if runoff elections are held, the window is shortened to beginning the day after runoff elections are held and completed within 30 days thereafter). The petition signature cannot be from anyone who voted in either primary (including runoff), and voters cannot sign multiple petitions (they must sign a petition for one party or candidate only).

In Democratic America, you can only win elections if you’ve already won the elections.

    6 months ago

    It’s kind of the opposite of most Socialist “bottom up” systems, where there are a series of elected councils that go from local areas all the way up to the top. Instead it’s a kind of “top down” series of councils where the people at the top need to make sure every group under them are acceptable to them and them alone, the people be damned.

    6 months ago

    I canvassed for the greens once. It isn’t so simple as “campaigning” for them, you have to gather thousands upon thousands of signatures for them first before they’re really even allowed to run.

    They paid $10 per signature, though. Not a bad gig lol. Selling democracy to the highest bidder!