This one’s been with me for 11 years now and it will likely be sharp long after I’m not.

Here, I had just gone through a bunch of stuff for a big batch of chili.
The acidic juices from the tomatoes etched it quickly, but any sort of patina never stays after splitting a few logs.

It’s big and heavy, but it’s my goto around the yard and car camping.

This is my most used big knife, what’s yours?

  • Curious
    1 year ago

    Khukuris are my favorite type of big knives too. I have several, but the one I use the most is a Himalayan Imports Kumar Kobra.

    Himalayan Import 20" Kumar Kobra.

    It’s very light for its size, but still has weight our front where you need it. I’ve also been pleased with how well it holds an edge.

    My other favorite big knife is a Jerry Fisk designed Camillus Southwest Bowie.

    Camillus Southwest Bowie.

    The blade is over 11" long, but the balance makes it feel weightless. It handles like a blade a quarter its size.