The answer is tricky, according to legal experts. Generally, politicians cannot spend campaign money on legal expenses unless they are tied to a campaign, but many of the investigations involving Trump relate to his conduct as president and as a political candidate.

However, leadership PACs such as Save America also are not allowed to directly support their own candidate’s campaign. Richard Briffault, a professor at Columbia Law School and an expert on campaign finance issues who has supported Democratic candidates, said that because Trump is fighting criminal charges during a presidential campaign, it is possible that covering legal fees could be considered a benefit to his campaign.

    1 year ago

    Mr. Trump and his movement attempted a self-coup on January 6 2021; by making war against Congress, with the purpose of stopping the certification of the election results.

    Incompetent war; shitty war — but war nonetheless: a violent attack against a branch of the federal government. Having declared that Congress and even his own Vice President were his enemies, Mr. Trump thus became an enemy of the United States.

    As such, all material support for Mr. Trump and his movement constitutes treason, under the definition provided in the Constitution:

    Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.