Past couple weeks have been too much for me to handle, I’m not super okay, and I need something to get my mind off of some stuff. What you got?

(yes yes, therapy. It expensive. What you got?)

    11 months ago

    Comedy based podcast while doing a mostly mindless task.

    The podcast needs to be non narrative, so I can tune in or out at will and just pick up on the flow of conversation, and funny, so when I am tuned in its light hearted and fun.

    The task could be dishes, laundry, a simple video game, watercolor painting, gardening, whatever. Just something that has simple steps with simple actions, that let my hands work while I enjoy the podcast.

    Alternatives for podcasts include the vods of twitch streams I like. Vods tend to be long, and meandering, so its easy to tune in and out.

    If you need specific reccomendations, I can also do that