Many sissies go through “cycles” in which their desires rise, then peak, then crash, only to repeat all over again weeks or months later. Here is a graphic a friend of mine made illustrating the concept of cycles

Is it possible that this binge-and-purge cycle could be overcome by intentionally suppressing sissy urges when at the peak of a cycle? That way, sissies would be less likely to make impulsive decisions they’d regret. Instead, they would focus on self-improvement and everyday responsibilities.

Likewise, when they’re at the bottom of a cycle, sissies could promote their desires by watching their favorite hypnos and doing other things they enjoy (in moderation, of course).

In this way, sissies wouldn’t shoot themselves in the foot by overindulging, and so they wouldn’t go through long periods of regret and purging before their desires rise again. In theory, they could stay in a pleasant sissy mindset forever! Here is a much cruder graphic I made to illustrate how the cycles could be “fixed”

What do you gurls think? I know this is a very experimental method and may not work for everyone, but does it have potential?