I have not been swooped by a magpie in ages. On the other hand some noisy miners have had a few goes lately.
My personal take, as a bike rider, use those corvid smarts (yes I know they’re not technically corvids, but they fill the niche, and they’re smart)
Jerky, throw it for them when they swoop. It lasts for the breeding season, and they will remember you (They’re not called the black and white mafia for nothing, and their protection is relatively cheap). Next time you ride past watch the guy/gal behind you get swooped.
Gotta let them not see you as a threat. If offered food for a little while they’ll not attack you. They’re surprisingly good at remembering who’s who.
Magpies: We can reach an agreement.
Plovers: No negotiation, no quarter, no retreat.
I always say g’day to any magpies I see, and hope they get some nice grubs and worms.
Apparently, they remember you, and they may even tell their mates about you.
Luckily, never been swooped.