A bit more balanced article on the subject: https://www.yahoo.com/news/ab-1840-could-support-undocumented-032426187.html
Overall I don’t like it. Not entirely a bad bill but very wishy-washy. Income requirements but the loan sounds like a temporary giveaway but it’s a lottery system? I think it would be preferable to do this but say it’s only available to newly naturalized immigrants. An undocumented immigrant with a house is still undocumented and that might just give them something they can easily lose if a Republican gets back in the Whitehouse.
dude give me money to buy a home shit
They are, that’s what the bill does.
There is no metric by which I could be called a “conservative”, and yeah, fuck this. There is no assistance that should be given to undocumented migrants before it’s given to literally everyone else first.
That’s the danger of just reading headlines, especially tripe posted from Fox News on a community like this. The issue is the bill includes undocumented immigrants. It’s not exclusively for them.
Why does it include undocumented immigrants when there are literally millions of citizens who have worked and paid taxes their entire life who can’t afford a home.
Do we have any non shitty source for that? Because I’ve seen the right’s take pop up multiple times with zero rebuttal.
There is the bill itself: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB1840
This isn’t a new program and if you live in California and are not a migrant, you could have applied since the program started in 2016. This just adds the stipulation that migrant status should not disqualify an applicant.
Thanks! And yeah, this is good policy all around, especially with how outrageously expensive homes in California are.
I honestly thought Pelosi died a year or two ago.