Migrating over from Reddit, I have created this community for those who wish to share their knowledge, skills and collections.

This community is tagged NSFW strictly for the images of raw specimens that may be posted involving taxidermy, not for nudity or violence.

  1. Please respect others and their ideas and opinions. “There is more than one way to skin a cat!” Just because a method does not work for you, please do not berate or judge others. Constructive feedback and suggestions are accepted.

  2. When posting an image of a raw specimen that may have blood or gore, please put NSFW in the title so that people know there may be blood or gore involved.

  3. Do not DOX or stalk people. Do not harass, in any way, the members of this community. All people are welcome to discuss taxidermy in this community as long as the subject is taxidermy.

  4. No politics. Discussion of regional laws is acceptable. Political views and standing are not.

  5. No Spamming of any kind. No selling of items, specimens or any type of sales transactions allowed.

  6. Original/Credited Content Only! It is acceptable to post praise to other artists work as long as it is credited to them. Do not take credit for something you did not create! Do not post artists work for the purpose of being negative or disrespectful.