LEFT SIDE IMAGE (black outfit) features The Birds Papaya (Sarah) from a instagram video posted on June 6, 2024. (body slimming filter detected). RIGHT SIDE IMAGE (bathing suit) features The Birds Papaya (Sarah) from a instagram video posted on June 25, 2024 (Getty images, no filter).

  • JanetteEwen@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    Hi 🙂you just made me blush. 🙏🏼One thing to note: TBP downplays medical procedures she gets because they are non surgical. Over a year ago TBP mentioned getting a fancy facial–the medical procedure she was gifted- Sofwave- is not a facial. Sofwave is laser mixed with intense ultrasound- technology that had to get FDA approval. It’s not a facial at all. I also had Sofwave, I was told it takes a long time to see the difference. When the treatment finally took, the difference on my jawline and jowels is pretty amazing. I had invasive jawline tightening surgery in 2019 (EmbraceRF) and Sofwave out performed EmbraceRF! TBP always pushes how “real” she is. I think that’s part of what can make her followers depressed. My estimate is that TBP has had equal if not more non-evasive medical procedures and injections than I have. I’ve had a lot. *This isn’t a promotion for Sofwave. It’s great procedure but it’s expensive and requires yearly maintenance. That’s why I’m saving for a facelift. Note: *I’d trade all the treatments in the world for kids and a partner. TBH it’s kinda sad why I still care about this stuff. I have no retirement plan and basically started over in 2023. I need to make up time. In my 30’s I was straight up vain and trying to cover up a life of excess with fillers and Botox. It wasn’t a good look. I’d love to say looks don’t matter in the industry I work but sadly they do. People like Sarah make it even harder. This isn’t my before and after for Sofwave but it will give you an idea.

    • No_really_why@lemmy.ca
      3 months ago

      Omg a comment from the legend herself! 😍

      THIIIIIIIS is why we respect you! You’re transparent and up front!

      Side note: I hope you get everything you want in life. I know how hard it is to long for things that others seem to take for granted. ❤️

    • douevengohere@lemmy.caM
      3 months ago

      Janette, I appreciate you so much. You are 1000x more relatable than any of these women we talk about could ever be. Thank you for your vulnerability and taking the time to share with us. I turn 40 this year and struggle with trying to balance acceptance of the aging process and wanting to do ALL THE THINGS to look 30 forever. I’ve done the laser/CO2 thing a few times but I think now I’ll just save all that money for a facelift in my 50s. Thanks for stopping in to chat with us 🥰

      • JanetteEwen@lemmy.ca
        3 months ago

        ❤️40 is still young adult 😁I’ll post soon about what I found really worked. A lot of things just made me look bloated and old. I wasted a lot of money on junk I now see MLM’s selling. But I also think I found some good stuff that is not too expensive. At 40 I did start using glycolic acid daily – I’m almost 50 and I everyday I am really happy I started that habit. Neostrata is an amazing line (not sponsored or affiliated). For the longest time in the USA, 10% or higher glycolic acid required a prescription and was 3x more expensive than what we pay in Canada. I’d smuggle Neostrata to Los Angeles for friends, including many facialists. I use the Neostrata glycolic renewal on my body and face every day. It’s not created for faces but heck. I love it. You may need to start with every few days and work up to daily. At 40 I was getting very noticeable aging on my décolleté- this changed that. Also-- sorry I realize you aren’t looking for advice but I figured-- why not share 🥰🥰 https://www.neostrata.ca/products/glycolic-renewal-smoothing-ltn-200ml/F30133XA.html?cgid=ingredients-glycolic-acid&tilePosition=5

        • douevengohere@lemmy.caM
          3 months ago

          I’ll take alllll the advice! I’m currently using a BHA/AHA but nothing as strong as 10% glycolic. I’m in the states often enough so I’ll try to smuggle some home. Thank you!

    • MoonChild@lemmy.caM
      3 months ago

      I always learn so much about the medical cosmetic world from you. It’s something most women keep hidden. Thanks for shining a light on the process. You are beautiful and it’s such a shame your industry places such a value on youth when wisdom comes from experience and that means the older people are the ones with the most valuable information to share and have the chops to disseminate it properly for mass consumption.

      • JanetteEwen@lemmy.ca
        3 months ago

        You are an amazing soul ❤️I LOVE your posts. I think shining a light on influencer fraud - as you all do here, is beyond important. Thank you

    • ladybonerforjustice@lemmy.ca
      3 months ago

      Thank you so much for being honest about the procedures you’ve had. I’ve commented on here before that SNL was the one who got me looking into Dysport as I thought I was aging poorly in comparison. I know that’s a me problem and comparison is a losing game, but how can someone claim to be “body positive” while being so deceitful? I still get Dysport as I like the way it looks but like you, I go out of my way to be honest when I can. I think it’s incredibly important that I don’t contribute to unrealistic beauty standards even more. I honestly think people like SNL enjoy feeling superior to others, even if it’s not real. I hate it.

      Also, I can relate to the feeling of being “behind” although I’m a bit younger (society sure doesn’t make it easy for us women). I hope you know that all of us here admire you and think you’re incredible. ♥️

      • JanetteEwen@lemmy.ca
        3 months ago

        Thank you so much for your note ❤️🥹you just made me feel so much better. I really admire all of you! And I love Botox and Dysport. Personally I don’t think people have to disclose anything- unless they are someone like Sarah who is claiming to NOT get injections. I disclose stuff because I write about beauty and health. I think it’s important if I’m reviewing a face product or even a sports bra to explain I’ve had work done. I’ve learned it’s fair to manage expectations. ❤️thanks again for being kind.