Kenney, at a 2018 gathering of his United Conservative Party, pledged a “fully staffed rapid-response war room in government to quickly and effectively rebut every lie told by the green left about our world-class energy industry.”

That line worked well in a room full of pro-oil partisans who felt their province’s main industry under siege. And it surely felt familiar to Kenney himself, who’d spend so many federal elections in the Conservative Party war room, pumping out attack after counter-attack against the Liberals, NDP or any other would-be threat to his own faction.

It tried to take down Big Green. It instead picked fights with Bigfoot Family.

    4 months ago

    The CBC is failing badly here, in accepting the claimed purpose of the war room at face value.

    The war room was always primarily created to funnel taxpayer money to UCP friends. The energy argument was just a veneer.