• Raphaël A. Costeau@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    Ukrainian genocide

    Yes, the “Ukrainian genocide”… You know that genocide used to be a word with a meaning, right? That we shouldn’t go around calling any conflict a genocide?

    No matter what your opinion on the conflict, comparing it to the situation in Palestine is the same as denying it, there is no comparison. Russia is definitely not deliberately bombing civilian targets, we have only had the collateral damage that is expected from any war. And this collateral damage is infinitely smaller than any of the wars the United States has engaged in in the last 50 years. Do you call the wars in Iraq, Indochina, Libya and Korea genocides?

      • Raphaël A. Costeau@lemmy.ml
        4 months ago

        And you are all going late. The way you guys are absolutely incapable of arguing with anyone who doesn’t parrot the status quo media’s cant tells me you’d be much better off back on reddit, your natural habitat, so to speak.

        Do you realize that I never once said that I advocated the invasion of Ukraine? That I simply stated that the situation has NOTHING to do with Palestine? Your mind has been so corroded by ideology that you cannot tolerate anyone even slightly disagreeing with your narrative.

        • Gadg8eer@sh.itjust.works
          4 months ago

          How about “if Israel and Hamas succeed in killing the last child in Gaza, I will kill all of mankind”? Because I WILL FUCKING DO IT.

          • Raphaël A. Costeau@lemmy.ml
            4 months ago

            My man I appreciate your anger towards oppressors, but first and foremost, Israel is the one killing Palestinian children, Hamas is one of the Palestinian organizations that resists the Israeli yoke. I know that the Earth is a sterile promontory, but the disorganized action of one individual, whether violent or not, is incapable of bringing about meaningful change. At best, it would bring you a false, self-indulgent, and brief sense of fulfillment, which would quickly be replaced by a much greater misery than you have ever felt for yourself and others around you. I think it would do you good to find someone in your offline life with whom you could talk about these anxieties. By doing so, you could begin to transform this destructive feeling into constructive action for a world different from this foul and pestilent congregation of vapors.

        • Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          4 months ago

          I simply stated that the situation has NOTHING to do with Palestine


          comparing it to the situation in Palestine is the same as denying it, there is no comparison. Russia is definitely not deliberately bombing civilian targets

          It’s one thing to lie about events in the real world that a reader may plausibly be ignorant of. It’s a entire other thing to lie about what you just said 2 paragraphs ago. I didn’t try to argue with you because I read enough to know that doing so would be futile you tankie bootlicker.

          This comment was made for the benefit of anyone unfortunate enough to read yours. Also, I block everyone who participates in Dunk Tank on principle. So this conversation won’t be continuing.

          • Raphaël A. Costeau@lemmy.ml
            4 months ago

            My man, how is saying

            Russia is definitely not deliberately bombing civilian targets

            the same to defend the invasion? HOW?! And again, you are the one who is cutting off any possibility of dialogue with those you disagree with. You are so sure that you are right that you do not let a shadow of doubt come near you.

              • Raphaël A. Costeau@lemmy.ml
                3 months ago

                Sorry for the late response. Yes, I actually did. I would do a point-by-point analysis of what makes this report an extremely biased piece and why it should not be considered a valid source, but I will save us both the effort (mine of writing and yours of ignoring it, since, honestly, you are not going to change your mind because of something someone on lemmy said). However, for the sake of rhetoric, I will summarize the problematic of the main subject (civilian targets), but I make it clear that by my own metric I find this insufficient.

                Let’s talk first about the damage to electrical installations and water distribution. The electrical installations were clearly the target, and the water distribution suffered collateral damage because they are dependent on the electrical installations. While civilians are obviously affected when you hit these types of installations, it’s not hard to imagine what military interest they might have: they can and do power the enemy army’s electronic equipment. Now, I can’t talk about food distribution points, hospitals and shelters without touching on the source issue. This report uses four main sources: aerial images, photojournalism, Russian statements and Azov statements. While there is no problem with the first two sources, they can only show us the damage, but not the perpetrator or the intent (except in the first case, which is all too obvious). The only thing that supports the idea that the attacks on these three types of facilities were carried out by the Russians and with the intention of causing terror are the claims of Azov. There is one particular case where the Russians admitted to having committed the attack (unlike the others), but there is controversy between the Russian version and the Azov version. This is insufficient. You cannot report as true the version of any side of a war without supporting evidence. These sources are biased by definition. So, the suggestion that the one who really carried out the attacks in an attempt to vilify the Russians and cause terror was Azov, has as much value as Azov’s version. It can even be said that, in the case of Azov, there are precedents for this type of action, a specific one: they did it on a smaller scale during the events of the 2014 coup, and a general one: fascists like them do this all the time, since the proto-fascist Confederates. To be clear, I am not saying that this is what happened, only that it could have happened. A conclusion on this subject requires conclusive evidence.

    • nexguy@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Not deliberately bombing civilians…ok you know they are. It’s a tried and true russian “war” tactic. They are also stealing children and taking them to families in rural Russia in order to russify them. That is a war crime and a very definition of genocide. They’ve stated over and over that Ukraine is not a real country and the language is not real. Erasing a culture like that is also a definition of genocide. 30,000+ children murdered in locations no where near a contested front line. Defending that is disgusting.

      • Raphaël A. Costeau@lemmy.ml
        4 months ago

        Not deliberately bombing civilians…ok you know they are[1]. It’s a tried and true russian “war” tactic. They are also stealing children[2] and taking them to families in rural Russia in order to russify them[3]. That is a war crime and a very definition of genocide. They’ve stated over and over that Ukraine is not a real country[4] and the language is not real. Erasing a culture like that is also a definition of genocide. 30,000+ children murdered in locations no where near a contested front line[5]. Defending that is disgusting.

        1. citation needed ↩︎

        2. citation needed ↩︎

        3. citation needed ↩︎

        4. citation needed, (saying that Ukraine only became an independent country when the USSR created the Ukrainian SSR is not saying that Ukraine is not real, it is stating a fact) ↩︎

        5. citation needed ↩︎